A student asks the following question: Q. We want to attract a group of beings with Christ consciousness and beyond that – help us to grow exponentially and help us to develop our abilities, who demonstrate and teach us their abilities, become our deepest everyday friends and in turn, as companions, help us manifest our… Continue reading→
Windows Into Myself (testimonial)
Frank shares his experiences with the manifesting alchemy of Qi Vesta: a form of High Alchemy brought forth by Almine in early 2010. It is the graduation gift of the online course High Alchemy Qi Vesta – Alchemy of the One. “For myself, the Qi Vesta wheels are windows into myself. At times I seem to fall into… Continue reading→
Leaving the Matrix
Leave now separation and the matrix behind. Create your own universe where all are you and you are all. The sovereign* of all life in your reality you’ll be. *High Alchemy: The Qi Vesta is a available as a one-month online course in which the participant is prepared to wield the high alchemy of The Qi… Continue reading→
Qi Vesta of Sacred Government
BRINGING IN THE SECOND LEVEL OF HIGH ALCHEMY Life spins on a single point. Each of us is such a pivot point, impacting the whole with every action in every moment” -Kalanisba Setvaravru (Ba Va Ru Vesta Card no. 15) High Alchemy Mastering the art of manifestation; becoming a cause rather than an effect… Continue reading→