Our Lightfamily members are being forced (by withholding medical care) to get the Covid vaccine. This is the advice I would give them. Continue reading→
Is There Something Else We Can Do?
Do the Song of the Self Belvaspata and the Light Explosion protocol over and around their photos every day. Continue reading→
A Very Important Message From The Seer
These words hold the key to avoiding the nanotechnology invasion of humans the shadow ones have instigated … Continue reading→
Are People Still Being Abducted by Hostile Aliens?
Are people still being abducted by hostile aliens? And what about implants? Where do the ones come from that you have said the Star Transmissions book deactivates as a power object? Continue reading→
How the Building Blocks of Life Are Changing
Question: There is a workshop going on through a specific foundation that broadcasts to the public through YouTube and their own site. It is supposed to be a breakthrough technology on free energy and other applications based on plasma and nano- technology. Could you please answer some questions about these topics for us? Is the… Continue reading→
Resurrection, Transcendence, and Transfiguration – New Almine Video Interview
A new video interview with Almine by Liquid Lunch from ThatChannel.com! In this recording Almine discusses many things, among others: Oneness to leave duality Awake world of magic Timelessness beyond the subatomic realms Nano technology God Merkaba 7 bodies of man High alchemy – Qi Vesta to make your business succeed White Owl in shamanic… Continue reading→
4 Methods of Control
Recently Almine has shared much in regards to the Matrix and how it tries to control us. In this audio recording from a recent retreat in Canada (spring 2014), she identifies four control groups influencing humanity and that she is working on more than one book to help balance the situation. The four methods of… Continue reading→
Freedom of Mankind Ceremonies
Almine invites you to 4 ceremonies in the summer of 2014. The overarching subject of these ceremonies will be: The Freedom of Mankind The first of these 4 ceremonies will be Friday, June 13th. If you want to join in on this ceremony here’s what you need to know: Download all the materials you need… Continue reading→
An additional photo* of nano-technology samples that were found in 3 locations in the Ural mountains by scientists. The nano-spirals are made of copper, tungsten or molybdenum. The latter two metals are used in the fields of electronics and rocket technology. *Photo credit: Mysteries of the World, Herbert Genzmer and Ulrich Hellenbrand
Almine has managed to locate the photos of nano-technology that has been placed in the Earth and that she has been speaking about for years. She first became aware of it when her students asked her repeatedly to travel with them to Egypt for a class; at the time she said there was “something in… Continue reading→