Are you going to explain to us how to do this? Continue reading→
Joy And Passion
The more joy, the deeper the passion… Continue reading→
Mastering Duality: Almine Is Coming to Belgium
In May Almine is coming to Belgium again, for her first spiritual retreat in Europe for this year. Theme: Mastering Duality “It is not enough to recognize the illusional nature of opposites. Nor is it a sufficient evolutionary step to try and leave them behind. Anything that exists has a purpose, and in the case… Continue reading→
Who Do Demons Think They Are?
From Almine’s latest newsletter comes this very interesting audio clip… Who do demons think they are? In this perplexing question, Almine shares what can occur when things are judged to be good or bad. Angels, traditionally valued to be good, represent order while Demons, commonly revered to be bad, represent chaos. “When there is no value judgement… Continue reading→
What is Resurrection? – The Drama of the Cosmos Pt. 2
What is Resurrection? – The Drama of the Cosmos Pt. 2 By the Seer Almine Resurrection within the microcosm, or individual, as well as in the macrocosm, is the reparation of the three schisms that happen within our eternal being to cause a life of opposition and alienation from Source. It occurs in three stages, in reverse order… Continue reading→
The Fall – The Drama Of The Cosmos Pt. 1
The Fall – The Drama Of The Cosmos Pt. 1 by the Seer Almine When life fell into duality, it happened in three stages: 1. The Confinement of Space The Infinite Ocean of Existence expresses at all times, but when its expression becomes very specific in a certain part of its boundlessness, a space forms…. Continue reading→
The Origin Of Mirrors – An Interview With Almine Pt. 2
Part 2 of Cris’s interview with Almine. You can read part 1 here. What are the core illusions? Almine: “The core illusion is ‘I am that’ and ‘I am not that’. Question and answers are the first polarity. Questions and answers create space. The first question was ‘What am I?’ This in turn creates mirrors of… Continue reading→