Why are the problems with North Korea happening again when we already did the work on it as the sacred government? Continue reading→
Clash of the Egos (Trump Vs Putin)
How was Trump lured into Syria, putting the US directly in the crosshairs of Russia? Continue reading→
Trump and the Night Witchcraft Died
A call went out to witches and nationwide to oust Trump from power. Almine said that a prophecy exists in the Lemurian records about this event. Continue reading→
Trump and the Arrogance of Democracy (The Angels Speak)
By popular request, Almine identifies the metaphysical roots of the current climate of US politics. As she doesn’t follow the media (or vote), she instead consults an angel on the matter. Continue reading→
All Stands Revealed
Question: So this thing I mentioned about the DC pedophile ring has now officially gone viral… despite New York Times’ botched attempt to spin it as ‘fake news’, and Facebook and Twitter’s efforts to censor it. Continue reading→