By popular request, Almine identifies the metaphysical roots of the current climate of US politics. As she doesn’t follow the media (or vote), she instead consults an angel on the matter. She finds that president Trump embodies both the arrogance and disruption of American democracy. Full transmission – The Tyranny of Democracy (Part 1 and 2) – available this weekend on
To make things fair, it is high time for Almine to do a reading on President Joe Biden. This is a popular request that shouldn’t be denied.
this message of truth has the utmost relevance. so nice to hear. thank you.
Where is it within that the original facets of the divine are enforcing their will on life hence black magic and arrogance., it will be interesting to hear part two of this story for we are the sacred goverment on earth, self examination , yes , in surrendered trust , deepest gratitude Almine
Hi Almine, I pray that you have recovered to your full extent. I did not vote for Trump. I found it difficult to vote for either of them, however, as much as Trump is being villified by the media and the masses, I see him as a bringer of change to us individually and collectively. His actions impact the whole world and creates the momentum for change for people to stand up in solidarity against what Trump is trying to bring forth, separation and contempt for the minorities, lack of compassion for the oppressed, inciting fear, hate and distrust of peoples and nations. It will bring the goodness within each of us and lead to love and compassion for all of mankind, and all of God’s creatures. I pray for Trump that his non conformance will create the change needed within Congress and the Senate to be a better government for the people, by the people, and with the people. It is time for voters to vote within their hearts and not within their minds of ego. I love you all.
I agree!
Yes, the Democrats are all of that – the disrespect and mean-spiritedness and violence they feel is justified because they lost is their shadow coming forth and manifesting who they really are and not who they pretend to be. The media is an agent of Shadow – LOL at their reports projecting the bad behavior of the paid demonstrators on Trump followers. Too funny. Trump is indeed shaking up those who want the status quo of corruption – and showing the true nature of those who pretend to be so evolved. Watch who really does the research and who just buys the “corporate company line” of the media
Why doesn’t Islam ever get any grief for gang raping child molesting head chopping militant zealot heartless tyranny?
Yes it is painful to see my people becoming powerless and afraid . The koran is full of hate against the unbeliever and our European leaders, are helping in the destruction of Europe, maybe under pressure of agenda 21 and the united nation.Why should our arts be destroyed.Muslim do not love art and they believe that every unbeliever is connected to the Devil. If we point to there problems…its hate speech but who ‘s opinion on what hate speech is, is correct. In most european country the book of Hitler Mein Camp is rightfully so not for sale….but the koran which is much worser can be in our schools.Muslim leaders are using our freedoms to conquer europe and then they will take away our freedom.
Interesting about democracy, the sacred cow. I have doubted democracy for many years for it will always be about someone losing and having anothers wishes imposed upon them. It’s based on separation of course, and the idea that there is such a thing as ‘the greater good’, meaning that someone has to suffer because they do not agree, or are deemed less important as they are just a minority. In truth there is no ‘greater good’, for if one suffers, all suffer (even if they don’t know it). Sacred government to me is an oxymoron, if we realise the sacred (conscious) then we wouldn’t need to be governed. Self-sovereignty is the only way to have harmony. Not that I have any idea on how and when that will happen! Blessings to All.
Sacred gov is one definition the sacred governing of oneself to realize self sovereignty Is every being both the one and the soveriegn ?Additionally one can become a proxy to earth and when one self governs in the highest of high then all life is enhanced.
Amazing insights into the current situation in the U.S. Yes, we need unification on the planet, but it won’t come from the NWO elites and their mafia goons, because of the divisive (low-vibe) way they go about it, just as the angels described. Beneficial changes must originate from a much purer source. It is our job to purify our hearts, rather than jump on some elitist bandwagon supporting both sides of some issue. Thank you Almine. Namaste!
for quite a while some of my friends, myself and others have been calling, waiting for years for something to happen to make people aware of the turmoil purposeful created by government on earth.
Again some of my friends etc. have said that we now find ourselves looking at a person who is doing the work which is needed. And of course in our humanness we – as our forefathers have repeated history in our way.
Conquering countries or humiliating human beings always leads finally to change. It is human dominion over Democracy – the meaning of how to live and others allowing to lead their own country for which they were selected.
Freedom to know and peace to feel. I had this understanding of my own democracy within – also freedom and peace to look for. A total reflection – it turned out again the right way as it should – for prayers will always be answered in an unexpected way.
Is it not nice, that certain truth is revealed now in a certain way !
The world needs people who are outstanding, not the way we perceive it to be – but the way it needs to be shown finally.
We are blessed in This Way and I am blessed to hear this extraordinary good news from
dear Almine.
Thank you!
Thank you, That is exactly deep inside I felt in regards to democracy, religion believes and so called civilization being forced to others no matter who is doing it, as a society, groups or individuals,I always noticed and turned my face around. Thank you Almine and the angels for this beautiful information. Now I believe we kinda get it, what is our responsibility here.
This is what I have been saying knowing others are not grasping. The arrogance of our Democracy especially the taking of human life in other countries and leaving desolation We are a country thriving on destruction and the next conjured war based on mistruths as a main source of money. I’m thankful for this information and look forward to the next part.
Thankyou Beautiful Almine for sharing sacred information and perspective , ..interestingly I ordered my personal timemap this morning, I kept hearing the words metaphysical metaphysical , I drew a Rune card from the metaphysical field of perception deck of sacred Rune cards it read ” Bold Expression” Angel : Haravit Love Vanessa
What I find so remarkable (and hopeful) is that after generations of passive acceptance and blind trust , a resounding “NO” is becoming mainstream. I see the service Trump is bringing to the world is a gift of irony. We are, at long last, waking up to ourselves and l see irony being used to raise consciousness by some and it sings a song of genius.
From Journey to the Heart of God: In addition, aging of the cells occurs when life force is lost by living in any way out of step with the mission statement of Creation: find and understand truth, even if it is found in the most obscure places in existence. Irony is therefore in harmony with indwelling life, and sarcasm–saying the opposite of that which is true, does not. On a path of impeccability where energy is reverently conserved as the wellspring of material life and the foremost requirement for consciousness, sarcasm is either completely eliminated or converted to irony.
Agreed and thanks for the message: But: What is an enlightened form of government? Maybe it will take some 300 years times to find out…
I have been feeling this for so long. We manifested Donald Trump by our arrogance and use of democracy to control.. the corruption in Washington had become so deep and insidious in the name of democracy, that it now takes someone so bold and arrogant to destructure it all. I truly feel all is in divine order, we are cleaning house, draining the swamp, and earth’s future is therefore very bright.
I have had a blind spot when it comes to the “sacred cow” of democracy and my own judgements towards other forms of government. Thank you for clearly stating – the insanity/illusion you see is due to these particular illusions within. I will begin working through these issues immediately. My deep love and eternal gratitude.
Wow Holly – magnificent insight for you. Your openness to explore and acknowledge this shadow in yourself is inspirational. Keep up your graceful reflection. ?
Sitting in the airport yesterday we had a conversation with our waiter and it lead to Trump and this whole current situation. This message is basically exactly what I said to him from my perspective. Thank you Almine and to the Angel for bringing this forth. Arrogance is something I have had to deal with for quite a while now around me. It has been my greatest thorn that I have no tolerance for. I will view it differently now and the destructuring it creates. Whew feels like a big dive into self-examination and self-sovereignty.