Humanity’s guilt over damaging the planet, is part of a collective dream that humanity is just waking up from. Continue reading→
The Reptilian Assistant (How I Learned I Was Racist)
The Seer Almine shares what she has learned since her recent Alien Infiltration Update. Continue reading→
Do Reptilian Shapeshifters Know Who They Are? (And Why Do They Avoid China?)
Question: Just wondering whether those reptilians actually know that they are reptilian and different from us real human? Almine: Yes, they know. Continue reading→
A Visit from a Human-Reptilian Hybrid Offspring
One night at the Ohio retreat, Almine and her daughter were visited by a ‘black-eyed child’ in their hotel room. Almine was able to explain who they are… Continue reading→
Re: The Child Slave Colonies on Mars
When the Seer Almine first spoke publicly about the kidnapping of our children worldwide to create a multinational colony of humans on Mars, many doubted that it could be accurate. But as usual, her visionary information has started to gain outside verification, providing what she calls ‘an additional line through the dot’. Continue reading→
The End of the Reptilians (And What Did They Represent in Us?)
Question: Why are all these Reptilian celebrities and politicians still here? Will they just go on indefinitely as holograms? Continue reading→
Are the Reptilians Truly Gone?
So what’s the status of the Resurrection Merkaba for the Earth? Was it successful? Are the Reptilians truly gone? Continue reading→
Almine Explains How to Spot a Reptilian
By popular request, Almine explains what to look for when identifying one of the tens of thousands of Ancient Reptilians that have infiltrated our governments and entertainment industries around the world. Continue reading→