One night at the recent Ohio retreat, Almine and her daughter Jaylene were visited by a ‘black-eyed child’ in their hotel room. Almine was able to explain to the class who they are and why it has been so difficult to get rid of these alien beings that she described as “deadly”.
These “children” that speak in clicking sounds (Almine was able to demonstrate their language) have no whites in their eyes and are the hybrid offspring of the reptilians that have inhabited the Earth’s crust — recently discussed in Messages for Lightworkers — and infiltrate our society by appearing as humans. Their mating with humans has produced these beings who have the mind control abilities of their reptilian lineage.
The profound insights that this experience brought, enabled the class to learn a profound key to what they were studying. (All this will be included in the upcoming release of the recordings of the Ohio retreat!)
You speak of the reptilian inhabitation and infiltration in the present tense. Shouldn’t that be the past tense?
It seems to me that certain celebrity infiltrators are still being kept in place by fans (Bieber, Adele, and Michelle Obama to name just a very few). I have to look into it.
The hologram is kept in place, or the actual reptilian projecting the image?
The actual reptilian projecting the image… but their ability to do so is weakening and sometimes it slips in front of people.
I was also at the Ohio Retreat when this came out. The long and the short of it is – Almine said she would need to look into this further. No need to panic, their presence is showing us that there is something for us to further investigate and that the answer will reveal itself in perfect timing. Does this mean that every conspiracy theory or “authority” on the subject is now true or right? No. Much of that information is a story from the past. Don’t bring it back into the current moment by putting your focus there. Live your life, live in the moment, maintain your sacred space and all will unfold in Divine Timing.
Thank you well said, That is what I have in my mind and heart as well.
Words of wisdom. Thank you for conveying this message to us, Holly.
Thank you Dear Holly, unfortunately it seems very clear that such incidences are happening this very day 💗 all connected, all intertwined, and all hopefully will dissolve together soon
Absolutely Holly! Thank you.
<3 <3 <3
I’ve actually had video of such human like kind, they mistakenly recorded their self in my phone while I was asleep as they stood over me. Can’t remember my lock code and when I use to try to transfer the video to zoom in, the new device would always crash. til this day I can’t seem to get their face & actions out my mind & don’t understand why they visited me
i have recently discovered my spirituality. I am a starseed and lightworker. i am chosen the light after a bad past. i just very recently discovered that my father is a reptilian. does that mean that i am part reptilian?! my father is a very very bad man. who has no emotion at all. i on the other hand am very empathetic and sensitive.
I recently heard that there was an accidental post on the Royal newspaper regarding a queen Elizabeth being reptilian,,and her statement confirming this, and stating she still is their beloved Queen, and is not a threat. It was taken off the royal site moments after it was posted but people captured it before hand. I guess she has been recorded shifting too many times to deny it any longer. Well, I looked further into this, and discovered that she has kidnapped children, 10 children, her and her husband walked into the woods, and no one ever saw the children again. there has been attempts to arrest, has been connected to the torturing of children, along with the pope (unsure if it’s the current pope or a previous one…although the current one really feels evil to me) The video I watched, and i really stay off youtube as it is all pretty disturbing and absolutely unbeneficial to my state of being, but i was shown this one and it was actually quite informative, it talked about princess Diana and a woman she confided in, spoke of how they literally feed on fear, that since all is energy, they are able to solidify this emotion, fear, and then eat it. Also, talks about how they are able to regrow their skin with just a small piece of “new skin”. They live for very long, the Queen is lifetimes older then we think, she just continues to create new skin bodies.
To be reptilian, Queen Elizabeth. And the pope, are really in a powerful place, and they are connected to Pizza gate and the pedophile empire, and they feed on fear…I can’t help but continue to think …well, the mermaids began to have I’ll intent to humans and we’re dissolved, these beings have been torturing humans, mostly children…why are they still in form and not dissolved?
I find this all so disturbing and unsettling, and it hurts my heart immensely to hear the children of man are being tortured, I understand it is surfacing and we are discussing it most definitely, in perfection, with the highest hopes that this is soon no longer in our reality, much love, and Surrendered trust 🌹
So this statement from Bill:Those reptilians are not going anywhere for there are those that need what they have to teach. sounds even more absurd when you read Marisas comment here. If what they ‘teach’ is to molest and torture small children how can anyone ‘need’ that? It’s pure evil, bad, darkness. I don’t know what to bellieve anymore. I have heard and seen all that about the quenn, the pope and most celebreties all being reptillians, but untill Almine started talking about it i have only considered it a far out conspiracy theori. Though when she says something in this regard is real i bellive her, but it’s all so completely absurd that i don’t know what is up, what is down. Another thing i am a bit surprised about is that fact that it has been possible to hide this for so long. Not ONE single time have there been just ONE photo or film where you ACTUALLY see someone shapeshifting. There are tons of unproffesionally made videos on youtube that supposedly reveals people about to shapeshift, but they are NOT convinsing at all. And there are some recent claims that both Adele and Justin Bieber shapeshiftet in front of fans. But not ONE single photo or videos from anyone to confirm it. A bit strange. If they Do exist, the main thing though is how to get rid of those insane psycopats instead of letting them stay her to ‘teach’ the ones in ‘need’ of the path of seperation and child torture. I wish i could get some advice regarding that.
Yes she looks strange on that, but it’s extremely short and not convincing at all to me. A full shapeshift where you see how their reptile self truly appears would convince me. Anyway i stop writing more about this now. I like the post of Holly above. No need to panic. As i understand it they are very much connected to all the phedohfile, torturing and abcutions of small children that is happening, so i hope they dissapear into oblivion ASAP, but i wait and see what Almine says after looking more into it.
The children you reference in your comment were from British Columbia, Canada at a time when Indigenous (I don’t use labels the government puts on us) children were forced to attend the dreary, abusive dungeons called residential schools. Yes, attempts were made to bring the queen and her bitch lap dog philip to justice but with all their underground connections, they had the only living witness murdered, William (can’t remember his last name) just a week before. How convenient. As an Indigenous woman, it disgusts me to watch throngs of “Sleeple” come out in droves to see these scumbags. When are they (so-called Royalty) going to pay for all their crap??? What’s the point of trying to improve one’s self when it seems there is no payback anyway?
I’m starting to think the reason why these beings keep in place is because we have over-polarized into “assisting others”. Much like the narcissist and the co-dependent, lightworkers have consistently accommodated by “sacrificing” their life experience to “serve” creation. However, this is ultimately short-sighted in that We are apart of that said creation, and the only way to truly serve Creation is to literally Live Creation. Life becomes effortlessly supportive of All Life by Living that Life. I believe this is where we are headed and these old ghosts clear out once we understand it is not about sacrificing ourselves for life but rather fully living Life in a perpetual state of Grace and Exuberance. You can’t diminish anything with kindness, you simply fully emulate your Pristine State and come what may. You live the life, and others learn through observation or integrated assistance vicariously.
Beautifully said Sara. I was thinking about the same
comments made by Almine @ Lightworker site recently!
She calls this Divine Love expressed towards another,
but I don’t think we are there yet.
Looking forward to the release from the Ohio Retreat!
Thank you for your comments.
I was at the Ohio retreat when she said that. A little background on Reptilians in general, and these Reptilians in particular, may be helpful here. If you have questions as to the validity of what I am about to say then ask Almine. I don’t have the room here to list sources.
In duality there are two spiritual paths: service to self, which uses black magic, and service to others, which uses white magic. Most reptilians in the cosmos are service to others. These reptilians that Almine is referring to are service to self. They did not simply come here. They were created here. They are genetically engineered beings. The first humanoid life form to come into this solar system was from Vega. That was during dinosaur times, a little less than 200 million years ago. The Vegans wanted to play with genetic engineering, to create a new race of beings. They needed stock and since simian life had not yet developed, they used the highest life form available, dinosaurs. They crossed their DNA with that of dinosaur DNA and the result was a humanoid reptilian which did not lay eggs to reproduce. Since the Vegans who came here were service to self, once it reached species sovereignty after a few million years, their creation was also service to self. Some of those created stayed here, some went elsewhere. Those that stayed here are still here. That is why they consider this to be their planet. From their point of view, they have dibs on it.
Everything that is has a purpose. The Reptilians have a purpose. The left hand path has a purpose. Those reptilians are not going anywhere for there are those that need what they have to teach. We are the ones that are moving. The left hand path does not recognize free will since in order to follow it, you must first discard use of the fourth chakra as a tool for the expansion of perception and once you have done that, only power remains for you as an ongoing reality. This is the path of separation. Ours is the path of integration. We will leave them. The only reason that they are still here is because we still have them in our rearview mirror. It is what it is. In the end, they are part of the One Light because nothing else is possible. Everything else is duality and if you find them to be part of your shadow, part of those things you do not prefer in your reality because you actually think that they are not you, then the way to deal with this is, as Almine recommended at the retreat, to marry your shadow. On in this way can you integrate the conflicting realities which it represents.
Thank you so much Bill for you explanation.
That makes it a bit more clear for me. Still i don’t understand it, and don’t know how to deal with it. First Almine mentions it a while ago and it sounds bad, like it’s a real treath. Shortly after they don’t exists anymore and now they are back full force anyway and they are not going anywhere according to this. And some ‘need’ what they have to ‘teach’ though it’s the path of seperation. Doesn’t make sense to me at all. They have allways been potrayd as bad, anti life, artificial. I wont let it affect me in a negative way though so i choose to not focus on it at all, or look for reptillian signs. Actually i would rather live in blissfull ignorence about all this that letting it into my mind.
Thank you for sharing Bill. There is a Hybrid house wife on Youtube sharing similar information though more of her own historical knowledge or belief. As well a young girl who believes they are here for the good of all. Interestingly, you can hear clicking at times when she speaks.
Existence sometimes feels like a science fiction movie! It really is wonderful to have Almine share with us the multitude of levels of existence and history as well clarify the direction we are currently moving through resurrection. LGPST
So deeply greatful Bill to you for sharing this thankyou !
I really appreciate you leaving this comment Bill. For a couple years I had sensed some sort of Dinosaur influence, and now I understand where this was coming from. I always called these particular Reptilians “Raptorians” as I could sense a difference. Though they claim they were “here first”, any being genetically modified into the world and not created from the Divine Natural manifested from Mother Earth Herself cannot fully claim precedence over Us or Her for that matter. I hope Humanity realizes this and doesn’t start tampering with Genetic Modifications towards humans, though that is a possibility if we aren’t resolute. Let us all do our best in our inner work to keep any parasite from spoiling after their time. Focus of Glory! Selah!
Today I heard in the background a song sang by Adel.
And I actually said that, I never like to hear .. her voice is disturbing and depressing .
Thank you dear Almine , Rogier and light family
I agree Iris . I’ve always found Adele’s voice disturbing too.
I must admit i am confused too. To say the least. I have the utmost respect for Almine and i am sure she is right, but i don’t understand it and why it changes all the time. First they where there, then not and now they are here again after all. At least it seems they are loosing power more and more and is not a real treath. I hope they all dissapear for good soon and never come again. What can we do to make that happen?
I’m confused. Adele is funny and makes beautiful music. Michelle brought healthy food options to Walmart and got kids exercising. Bieber is well just Bieber. How are these bad beings? Now if you said someone like Cheney or members of Isis, then I’d understand.
As Almine has explained elsewhere, the reptilian agenda is not about being ‘evil’ and is actually centered on their belief that Earth is their planet. The goal is to infiltrate and conquer, and to this end, being popular and beloved goes a lot further than being ‘bad’.
Thank you Lisa for asking and Rogier for replying. I have been sitting here also surprised by Adele, who is one of my favourite singers, how she is infiltrating us? Though seems her voice is giving her issues after her concert and Bieber just walked off and cancelled all his concerts. I have never felt drawn to him or Michelle as they give off strange vibes. This poses several other questions. Do they know who they are and their agenda? How do we not engage with these celebrities or musicians that we enjoy, especially if we can not tell they are reptilian? I have seen some by their eyes in interviews change but many show no signs. A couple nights ago I had a dream with Jay-Z that seemed to show he was a rather loving person. I thought this was a strange dream though as I have never listened to his music or particularly liked him. His new album is 4:44 as he woke up in the night at this time to write this song. I have noticed some popular musicians lately (who many have deemed Illuminati puppets) coming out with completely new music with lyrics and messages of Goddesses, unity and resisting the establishment. I guess what else I am wondering is…is this all a ploy to make the masses think they are awakening to their Godself? I don´t listen to much mainstream music or watch TV etc.. I do like a few singers I enjoy, but now it seems really hard to know who is what… I don´t suppose Almine could give us a bigger list? 🙂 Thank you for sharing this information. LPGST
The message is to consciously disconnect ourselves completely from the human matrix. Half and half living drains and binds energy preventing personal evolution.What can these beings offer us that we do not already have within us? Entertainment equates to entrapment.
Crystal Pi
When Lightworkers come home to themselves and become Godbeings yes they are their own sustenance. That doesn’t mean you shut yourself off from the human experience. Entertainment is just that…a form of celebrating life.
Christine you summed up perfectly what I’ve been wondering for a while. Just days after the Ohio retreat upon returning home there is filming being done in my neighborhood. I’m a cinephile and would like more to be revealed not just out of curiosity but to add insight and depth to our perception. Rogier thank you also for your answer.
Thanks Tasia! xx Glad you went to retreat. I appreciate your posting 🙂
I am not a fanatic about anything or anyone. I love music that moves me to sing or dance. Though really there is very little music out there that I listen to today. My preference is listening to Almine´s music. LGPST
A lot of “rags-to-riches” celebrities are actually bred for the industry. No one, and I mean no one, makes it to the top unless you are put there to fulfill an agenda, in this case the transgender issue. Both are not even female, deception is their game. Adele is one of these so-called stories, how she was poor and then was “discovered”. Yeah right. I know of many far more talented individuals who deserved to make it than that castrado. Michelle on the other hand clearly still possesses its’ family “jewels”.
I worked with one at a school this past year. First time I worked closely to him he slit his eyes slowly multiple times while talking to me. I did feel he was trying to scare me and I could feel energetically he was trying to tap into me or scan me. I broke eye contact and popped up shields because I was shocked. The next day i was ready for him and was not shocked when he slit his eyes at me but just sent unconditional love as I looked him straight in the eyes. He, in turn, would not keep eye contact with me and actually avoided eye contact, or interacting with me much at all, for the rest of the year.
Last week my son and I were on an elevator and there was another one. As soon as we were out of earshot and off the elevator my son said “mom she was full of entities and reptilian!”
I was confused from beautiful Almine’s earlier message that they were gone. But I am so, so thankful that she has the integrity and adaptability to convey the new info she gets. And, maybe “they” are gone and the hybrids are the next level that needs to be addressed/resolved.
And I wonder, as they are hybrids, if the situation is more complex. If they are 20% human versus 60%, will this make a difference in their “right to exist” or their ability to transmute their own darkness and evolve? Is there “hope” in “their” humanity (which is reflected in us as sacred government)?
I have the upmost respect and love for you Almine. I have lurked in the corner soaking up your teachings and insights for over 10 years. At times, especially in your presence, the light and love you radiate and mirror triggered almost pain in me when I was able to see how much i did not love myself (when i thought otherwise), and how much more I needed to grow and awaken. You are an amazing expression of the infinite and the basis for which i compare everything else I am experiencing and learning. Many of my greatest growth spurts and periods of expansion have come from your work. Having been able to see (multiple times) that we are all connected, having experienced it and therefore knowing it to be, has been the safe place I go. When i am contracted or fall into fear and mistrust of life, when i feel lost, remembering the experiences of unity helps me remember what is “real,” what matters and who we really are.
I love that there is room for adaptation and evolution even in your teachings (especially when most everyone else is years behind!) You are never arrogant or say “this is what it is, period,” but instead convey what you experience and understand. I love that about you.
Also, is gone for good?
Sorry for the rambling 😊
I love you Almine.
Had a in-sleep-time dream yesterday morning, and saw these ‘children’ as new-borns, immediately I knew they were ‘alien’. I’ve been hearing clicking sounds too. Their eyes are very pronounced, dark and ‘soul-less’. Quite disturbing energy and if one is not careful, the programming one has around how beautiful new-borns babies are, can distract one from perceiving their darkness. quite the Paradox at times.
When I was in hospital and I had two care workers stood each side of my bed they looked at each other and I heard them mind speaking in clicking g sounds
you are lucky 🙂 when i was visited by three ”cosmic guys patrol ‘ in the night two of them stayed out of the room only one was brave enough to enter and he didnt even show his face. they must be real monkey faces. there are definitely too many aliens. there should be video..” how to kill an alien”
By Loving them, merge with the vastness of others, after compassionate and emphatic love comes the divine love as Almine explains and when you can see the oneness of all things she explains that the most miraculous event takes place when you approach another this way. If you merge with another’s core essence however briefly, you dissolve their illusions. If they are a shadow being of some type, you will dissolve them entirely. There is nothing in life but perfection, rest in this knowing and grow, experience, live, create and build moment to moment.