We asked Almine what would be her recommendation if she could suggest one important movie to watch. She replied: It’s a documentary: What the Health.
We asked the Seer what would be the one change we can make in our lives to:
- Restore our health and vitality
- Restore balance amongst the kingdoms on Earth
- Reduce our adding to the waste dumps of the planet
She laughed and asked, “anything else?”. So we took a chance and said:
- Have more available cash each month.
If I understand correctly, you want to do all these with one change. As you can imagine, that would have to be a pretty drastic change, implemented one step at a time. The answer is: become vegan and eat primarily whole foods.
Rain says
A Word About Meat and Eating Animals for Food from the Indigenous prospective
You may be wondering why, if we need to show so much respect for nature, is it not a betrayal of this trust to kill an animal for food. The answer to this dilemma from an Earth-centered perspective is that everything is alive: the plants we eat, the air we breathe, the rocks that we use to build shelters, the cotton we weave for clothing. It is in fact an honor to take another life into our body to continue life, or to use wood to build our shelter. It is the process and intention of the acts that make them an honoring or not. Creatures and things of this planet are glad to serve people by providing themselves as food, shelter, and clothing if they are asked properly and thanked. Remember that life essence can never be destroyed. We are what we eat, what we wear, and what surrounds us. It is up to us make that relationship sacred. It is when we take more than what we need, such as trees, and when we waste things out of greed and exploitation that the natural world is abused. Elders of the old ways have been telling us for a long time that the ecological crisis facing the world today is the result of imbalance caused by a lack of respect and ignorance of natural laws. The problem is not the use; it’s the abuse
Brett says
While I respect your sincerity, I have to humbly disagree. It indeed is a high violation and betrayal of trust to kill an animal for food. Before we fell, Nature operated on higher principles with bounteous Supply of fruits vegetables etc, and the killing of animals by us began the cycles of animals killing each other. It created a vampiric relationship with the world around us and within us. Absolutely true that all things are living, but this false relationship we developed as taught by sky invaders to kill animals is an abuse, no way around it. In Pristine states of Beingness, Nature is not combative towards itself, and our relationship with plants and sources of sustenance(fruits, vegetables, etc) is highly different. As well, trees even offer branches, that can then reshape, instead of us needing to chop them down to build things. I congratulate your knowledge of natural traditions and the respect you have to natural cycles. Hopefully you will see fruit in what I have offered as a response. Much love.
Artur says
I really liked that comment and advice. Happy to hear it from you. Thank you!
Jacqueline says
I aligned without meat many years ago, somehow it never felt right, the energy of
the dead carcasses in my body. It’s hard if you grow up and that is what your mother
puts on the dinner table. As the years passed something came to the light from within
me, besides not eating flesh, others things have emerged from the depths of my
ancient wisdom pool.
Sara Roshan says
Yes and Love, Praise and gratitude, It happened to me when I start my resurrection 2013 / 2014. I became vegetarian and this year becoming vegan. Just had my IV detox this week another will be next Monday and my 5 months detoxification starts in September I got all the things I need for that. Anybody wish to do it with me:
Ciara says
Hurray! Finally some love for the whole food vegans 🙂
Javier says
Is Almine vegan? I believe she has a cook book with meat recipes.
Rogier says
Almine became a vegan after emerging from her coma / the Underworld
Artur says
Did she explain why? Just wondering.
Brett says
The eating of Meat allows our Cocoon of Expression which normally is a protective shield of Innocence around our body to be seized and infiltrated by invasive spirits who enjoy through us various abuses. Since Underworld was a place where the demonic had eminence, and the eating of Meat opens up and allows such abuse to operate unseen, it is no surprise that after Her return she gave up meat entirely, to ensure no hidden treacheries are tolerated as proxy for Earth. It’s not just the human Underworld that was infiltrated, but also the Animal Kingdom’s Underworld as well, due to being so heavily abused. Summed up: Animals love living like We do. Don’t eat them. 🙂
Emily says
Deepest love and gratitude to you, Almine ❤️
Brett MacDonald says
Yes Yes Yes!!! Speak!! 🙂