Copyright Information of Spiritual Journeys Part 1, mentions that someone created a product from Almine’s work that would cause a conflict because Spiritual Journeys plans to present exactly the same thing for our annual New Year’s eve celebration…
Question: It seems like other students have created products from your work. Why am I not permitted to?
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Living in Boundlessness
In May of 2014 Almine gave the following response when she was asked, “How do we live in boundlessness”? “Tools for Living the Boundlessness” The Calendar of Oneness – See “End of the Calendar of Oneness” -the Calendar drew to a close on December 20, 2014. Aranash Suba Yoga available in ebook (pdf download and… Continue reading→
Practicing the Sabahut brings Angelic Laughter
We have another shared story in our series building up to the Night of Miracles. This is a delightful story involving the tool of the Sabahut. The Sabahut revealed itself to Almine during her Christmas holiday retreat last year and it was shared as a bonus feature in the January 2014 Interdimensional Communication course. We… Continue reading→