Just a little insight from Almine’s Pinterest board. A good beginning of the weekend!
Changing Everyday Habits Into Sacred Rituals – Weekly Predictions By Almine
Here is Almine’s newest prediction for the week to come: Prediction for the week of November 25 – December 01, 2012 Depth of perception is required to gain the gifts this week brings. Allow yourself to feel the ripples throughout life that your actions cause. Deep, meaningful and conscious awareness, can change everyday habits into sacred… Continue reading→
What You Touch Will Turn To Gold
If we hear the holy Song of all we encounter, everything we touch turns to gold. ~*~ Speak sparingly if you must, but carefully guard your speech patterns. Speech should encompass our highest vision. These were the last two Sacred Life aphorisms for now. You can find the previous posts with these aphorisms here and… Continue reading→
The Greatest Weight Mankind Has Carried
One of the greatest weights mankind has carried, is the concept of comparisons. This creates the striving of competitiveness. ~*~ When the heart in unclouded by needs and surrendered in the trust that life is benevolent, the surge of the river of life moving through us will always guide us into the highest choice. ~*~ Living in a rut reduces… Continue reading→
The Sacred Life
Here you can find the first few aphorisms made by Almine termed “The Sacred Life“, that were briefly discussed during our live web event The Cutting Edge and read out loud during our Awakening from the Dream radio show. ~*~ The Sacred Life Restore the Song to the joyless places in life by appreciative acknowledgement… Continue reading→