Here is Almine’s newest prediction for the week to come:
Prediction for the week of November 25 – December 01, 2012
Depth of perception is required to gain the gifts this week brings. Allow yourself to feel the ripples throughout life that your actions cause. Deep, meaningful and conscious awareness, can change everyday habits into sacred rituals.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of November 18 – November 24, 2012
Your senses will be sharp this week. It is the time to eliminate addictions to food and to replace them with foods that inspire. Explore the details of your world and allow answers to come effortlessly.
For me, this one has everything to do with awareness of what it is you are doing, and with seeing the Infinite smiling back at you from behind every situation. That to me makes a mundane thing into a sacred ritual… Tell us your method of being aware or what your sacred rituals or habits ripe for change are! Or perhaps you want to share something that happened with the prediction of the week just past? As always, we love to hear from you in the comments section.
On behalf of Almine and the team, have a great weekend!
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