What benefits or burdens are there to having an active sex life with my spouse? We are both Original Ones and are very dedicated to a life of godhood. Is abstinence preferable? Continue reading→
Sacred Sexual Magic in Moscow (The Seer Almine Podcast #6)
In this episode, Team Almine’s Sergey and Rogier discuss the upcoming sacred sexual magic retreat in Moscow, October 2015. Continue reading→
Sexuality is Changing on Earth
In this interview, Almine explains how sexuality is metamorphosing into “something far more grand, beautiful, intense”… “a rapturous experience of blending fields” in which physical touch is merely “frosting on the cake”. Join the discussion on Ascension
Living Only to Procreate
When god beings are in intimate relationships with humans it is important that their god hormones function strongly enough to override the human hormones that are genitally transferred through sexual intercourse. If they do not, they can be drawn in to the lower evolutionary motivation of living to procreate. In the second half of this… Continue reading→
Raw Sexuality Vs. Lust
Does the raw animalistic aspect of sexual union have a place in evolved sexuality? In our journey towards higher consciousness, there is a tendency to move away from our more basic, instinctual behaviors – but is this the seat of our most authentic actions? Listen to this sample from Answers for Lightworkers II as Almine… Continue reading→