This is our fourth and final installment of our miniseries called “Of Roles and Shadows“. Read up on the entire series in part 1, 2 and 3. Living as shadows we have lived in a cyber world. The anguish we feel about the forgetfulness we experience about our ‘past glories’ can vanish when we understand… Continue reading→
Seen As Tyrants – Of Roles And Shadows Pt.2
This is the second post in our short series called Of Roles and Shadows. You can find part one here. The tools of linear change, building blocks of existence and the matrices and grids, have been seen by us as the shadows governing life. But the true roles of these are the static roles that cast… Continue reading→
The Partial Expression – Of Roles And Shadows Pt.1
Today we will start with the posting of a new little series, called “Of Roles and Shadows”. Check back soon for the continuation! Integrated cooperation requires roles. Roles require only partial expression. The creation of any pattern is a shadow. Therefore roles have a transient life limit. Creations of shadows, the only way of creating… Continue reading→
Blessing Your Shadows
“What is form but light defined by shadow? Would we else not seem as a candle inside the sun – undifferentiated from one another? Bless then the shadows of your lives for without them you would not be able to play the game of life.” A great opener to a discussion on illusion, shadows, fighting… Continue reading→
Awaken And The Shadows Disappear In the second of Almine’s Amsterdam interviews she talks about Lemuria, Atlantis and in particular about the Inner Earth and her fascinating encounters with it’s inhabitants. See the first video in this series of three here.
Lemurian Science of Immortality
The body forms as scar tissue from the splitting of the psyche. It is thus a “shadow,” which is the result of two poles pulling apart. The more we fight against shadows, the more it erodes our own body. We are so happy to announce Almine’s newest masterpiece The Lemurian Science of Immortality. Update early… Continue reading→
Light Elixir by Almine The shadow of frequency is memory.