I am here simply to express, not to consider others’ opinions. To do so is to pander to the unreality of the dream. ~ Almine Of course you are well aware of our main twitter timeline AlmineWisdom but before this one went online, Almine had another timeline: Almine. A few days ago, we re-activated that… Continue reading→
Down The Rabbit Hole
A little gem from Almine’s Twitter timeline AlmineWisdom: Memory is not a friend, it is a foe. It is in releasing memory that all that can be known becomes accessible. ~*~ Down the Rabbit Hole An in-depth exploration of Almine’s teachings… Four Saturday Webinars in November November 5, 12, 19 and 26 Join us for… Continue reading→
A Child’s Discovery
To live without directions in spacelessness, requires the complete surrender of a child discovering life with trust for the first time. ~*~ We are happy with our newest addition to our family of Twitter timelines: AlmineHikma, Almine’s Arabian Twitter. Take a look!
Señoras Y Señores
“Apparent separation within the indivisible occurs because of the use of perspectives – seeing one part of the greater self only, makes it seem as though the rest is not there. If we continue to believe the limiting perspective to be all that is, we eventually become trapped by our own perspective.” ~ From Almine’s impressive online course The… Continue reading→
New Danish Radio Show
The Infinite part of yourself is conjuring your life. Do not fear that you can make a mistake. A mistake is just an insight you have temporarily hidden from yourself. In the newest edition of Onkenbaar (Almine’s Dutch radio show) we share two audio clips by Almine. Listen to the show here. Audio clip on… Continue reading→
Creating Our Own Tyrants
When limitation enters our lives, in that moment we have also created our tyrants. Desire arises from an attempt to find a lost song. Our heart’s desires indicate where we need to express. Life supplies the one who knows his limitless bounty. Focusing on lack increases it. The illusion of identity seeks to perpetuates itself by affirming… Continue reading→
Trying To Measure A Bottomless Well
Proud and a wee bit sad we share with you the final part of our Way of the Windhorses, translations of Lemurian records. After ending the actual translations in our post of yesterday, Almine does a little question and answer session to give you more understanding and background to the process of translating these ancient… Continue reading→
Earth Changes
Almine Wisdom/Twitter received this question from LeVicko: “I personally am very worried about the latest signs given by mother nature. Quake comes after quake. We All must realize how we have constantly hurt our planet and hardly ever considered the environment we’ll give to our off-springs.” Almine’s answer: Since February 2005 there has been a… Continue reading→