The rapid release of stagnant and old belief systems in your environment could seem overwhelmingly chaotic. That which destructures leaves space for the next level of evolving life to fill. Continue reading→
Weekly Prediction – Corrected Version
It seems the wrong prediction was added to the newsletter of this week. Our apologies for this. Here’s the correct one: Dates: Sun, June 15, 2014 – Sat, June 21, 2014: Prediction: Accomplishments of previous plans can come to a successful conclusion if the necessary momentum can be generated. Put effort into your dreams during… Continue reading→
Dawning of New Beginnings – Weekly Predictions By Almine
Important announcement: This will be the last week that Almine’s weekly prediction will be available on We hope you enjoy. From next week on forward Almine’s weekly prediction can be found on both the free weekly newsletter (sign up here) and on the Calendar of Oneness site. Also, the weekly newsletter will shift from… Continue reading→
Walking with Reverence – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “don’t allow your attitudes to be influenced”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of April 13 – April 19, 2014 This week requires careful awareness and deliberate, focussed actions, to reveal its great but subtle gifts. Magical revelations and synchronicities await the one… Continue reading→
Don’t Allow Your Attitudes to Be Influenced – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “new creations”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of April 06 – April 12, 2014 The period of new creations and fresh beginnings, continues during this week. It is imperative that you foster hope and optimism in your heart, and not allow others’… Continue reading→
New Creations – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “refuse being taken advantage of”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of March 30 – April 05, 2014 It is as though the trials of the last weeks have washed clean the space for new beginnings. It is a time to sow seeds… Continue reading→
Refuse Being Taken Advantage Of – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “dawn after the stormy night”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of March 23 – March 29, 2014 Big changes in your life-style could be expected. These begin as inner change through shifts in attitude. It is time to focus on reestablishing your… Continue reading→
Dawn After the Stormy Night – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “masks are coming off”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of March 16 – March 22, 2014 This week resembles the dawn after a night of storms. The dead leaves have been shaken from the trees and life can begin anew. The release… Continue reading→
The Masks Are Coming Off – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “inspiration, courage and key moments”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of March 09 – March 15, 2014 You have been preparing for the clearing influences of this week. The masks are coming off and illusions are disappearing. Be prepared to let go… Continue reading→
Inspiration, Courage and Key Moments – Weekly Predictions By Almine
After our last week of “assessing conduct”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction: Prediction for the week of March 02 – March 08, 2014 Let go what no longer supports and inspires your journey. Release with gratitude that which has completed its purpose. Be extremely aware that this week will bring several… Continue reading→