It is Saturday again. Time for the prediction by Almine for the upcoming week:
Prediction for the week of October 07 – October 13, 2012
Changes in your attitude towards sexuality can bring new energy into your life. Ruthlessly eliminate lies and programs about sexuality. Truthfulness with yourself brings new life and fertility. Drop the shields this week and be open to new possibilities.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of September 30 – October 06, 2012
The profound changes this week can bring in the release of old programs, can only come if you allow yourself to awaken to the blissful enjoyment of the gifts of the moment. Master your fear through appreciation. Allow yourself time for self-appreciation.
Do you have an insight to share about awakening to the blissful enjoyment of the gifts of the moment, from the prediction of last week? Perhaps something else? Did you find the time for self-appreciation? As always leave a comment in the comment section.
Niels says
Thank you all for sharing so openly and honestly about this week’s predictions. When I first saw this prediction when putting together the Calendar of Oneness for this week, I thought it might prove a very difficult subject to comment about. However, I found the answers very much worth my while to read. So, thanks again for your comments.
Team Almine
Lydia Yellowbird says
You are welcome Patricia! This week’s prediction seems to be right in line with what I have been asking myself, so what does sexuality have to do with anything? Isn’t it best left out of the whole equation? As I have for the past 16 years? About a week ago, I was laying on my bed resting my left leg over my right leg and this was after going through my daily routine of Belvaspata Maintenance, some Incantations from the Dragon Gods and Goddesses when a thought of my mother popped up in my mind and I immediately felt a tug at the bottom of my spine, it was sexual and too close for comfort and I hid! I have now come out and am open to examining what this means!
Patricia says
Dearest Lydia, Thank you for sharing your beautiful post. I so understand…as I am going through something similar. For the first time, thanks to Almine’s insights, I’m beginning to understand that this occurance for me is an old belief, in this production of my life, that I am directing, that is seeking my perception so I can let it go and transform it’s energy to a higher frequency. I find going through this process, I am much more loving towards myself and more open to and appreciative of the Infinite’s inner guidance. It really is highlighting for me where I am very much still seeking the approval of others for validation.
Patricia says
Dear Fortune, I must say I’m overwhelmed by the size of your post. The 14 youtube links, and I’m also confused by the massive amount of text in for form of quotes etc, as well as the invitation to become a proxy healer? Remember his is a “comment” section on Almine Perhaps you should start your own blog and then you can invite people to visit it with a single link, leaving space for the comments of others to be readily visible… ?. 🙂
Barbara Kathryn says
Amalue is quite a work of art! Love the clothes too.
Fortune says
Kiriras Agawavanti miruk helstat uheravasvi minuvash, isinat heretuk vasva. From the Infinite’s throne, the Gods of Source come forth, to share gifts of luminosity.
Almine’s Prediction for the week of October 07 – October 13, 2012
Changes in your attitude towards sexuality can bring new energy into your life. Ruthlessly eliminate lies and programs about sexuality. Truthfulness with yourself brings new life and fertility. Drop the shields this week and be open to new possibilities.
Are you aware of the singer called Amatue-Valeria Lykyanova? Amatue has a phenomenal voice. Amatue has portrayed herself if a manner that I feel is relevant to this week’s prediction. If you feel that it is life enhancing to you, I invite you to become a proxy healer for the cosmos and view the enclosed YouTube videos of Amatue.
Have a delightful day!
Amatue’s music video called Endless Eternity
Amatue designs her own clothing and makes her own clothing. Her clothes have a star races flavor to them
Remember Almine’s prediction. I invite you to view these very enlightening videos of Amatue and find what this content means to you, the relevance of the content to you
May the Oneness that has had no beginning flow through me, enhancing life.
Adoration in Action,
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We often put up with the dysfunctional and the unacceptable as though we do not deserve better, thereby dishonoring the divinity that expresses through our life. -The Tone of Uncompromising Divinity, Elephant Libraries, Qi Vesta
Honoring diversity does not entail inviting those who embrace density into our lives. The difference in consciousness will produce discomfort for all involved. -The Tone of Honoring Diversity, Elephant Libraries, Qi Vesta
Greatness requires solitude. Mediocrity is fed by the communion of the masses. To be outstanding one cannot run with the pack. – Tone of Contented Solitude, Elephant Libraries, Qi Vesta
Genius continually surpasses itself. Effortless knowing is its vehicle. Do not hold on to past standards. -Shrihat Satva Yoga
The master practices and lives the wisdom he knows. The incorruptible one realizes there is nothing to know and with abandon allows life to unfold. – Alchemists Reflection Qi Vesta
Memory is that which perpetuates the mediocrity of the past.- Almine
Success and abundance are the only constants in life. – 136 Asanahu The 144 Principles of Abundance
Illusion falls away this moment without even an echo remaining.- Infinite’s Book of Life
Minach imnash uskave: I know nothing -Lemurian Tablets of Life and Death
Accepting the unacceptable is not saintly, it is dysfunctional – Almine
Kiriras Agawavanti miruk helstat uheravasvi minuvash, isinat heretuk vasva. From the Infinite’s throne, the Gods of Source come forth, to share gifts of luminosity.
Lydia Yellowbird says
This past week gave me moments of crystal clarity when I allowed my self to just be and my mind to stop even as I was walking down the hallway in a busy, no frenzied, workplace. In giving myself that moment to ask what am I afraid of? I saw very clearly not with my mind but something else like in the middle of my forehead, or somewhere deep in my brain, in the middle of my brain,
that is the only way I can explain it, that I was afraid of the words that were said in the letter about me and even though they were not true, I was afraid of the hate and ruthless planning behind the words, they whoever wrote them was out to destroy me and wanted me out of the place I am in. My first reaction was to write a letter rebutting point by point every word that was said and I did start one, it did take the better part of the day and it did have the calming effect to write down the truth of what happened. By the evening I saw how the words were twisted against me by remembering what I had and why. So I have learned how not to react out of fear but to be still and look within myself for the good of my intentions. I worked out the guilt which came automatically when I read the letter, because at first there was shock, outrage, fear and guilt. I was never able to pin point what guilt was and why I would automatically accept the feeling and go into striving for approval, so I would not get punished in some way by some one. In this moment I saw and took ownership of the emotion that was mine and asked “so now what?” I chose to Not feel the negative emotions and withdraw, but instead I looked to the positives of who I am. My motives are pure and innocent and I am here to help another find answers to move out of their rut. The lesson learned this week was to observe more carefully, listen deeply and pay attention to the signs being given to me. There were there I did not give them the attention I needed to be able to change the direction of the interview.
Niels says
In this past week I did actually take extra time, specifically for self-appreciation. After my daily workouts I took a little extra time to look back at what my body allows me to do daily. As Almine states “the enormous lengths your feet have carried you” (Answers for Lightworkers course), but also on a much more mundane level just the ability to enjoy life and awareness in corporal form. This has been a special week…
Team Almine