Message from The Seer:
I am receiving questions about the vaccine and the safety of contact, both casual and as a partner, with others (humans) who have received it. Please be aware of the following:
• Whether or not someone chooses to have the vaccine, is a personal decision. Their highest truth may not be your truth, but they may find it to be the most loving and considerate thing to do for their loved ones.
• In no way does close contact with a vaccinated person harmfully affect someone else.
• Although I feel that there is part of the answer missing, by reading through my past prophecies in my personal journal concerning the vaccine, (please remember that we can change the course of the future and that prophecies are helpful only so that we know what to change) it states that the vaccine will contain a nanotechnology chip that can be manipulated long distance to produce the following:
1. Behavior modification of the one who has been vaccinated —- to be used in controlling riots and in warfare. Seer’s comment: This result has been lessened because of the Original Ones practicing self-governing and self-discipline.
2. The biggest threat is, to the person containing the nanochip: it contains the ability to stop hearts. Its target is the aged and those with disabilities. To eliminate those will save governments billions of dollars of social security needed to be paid out.
I am honestly deeply confused! about what Almine said. And I truly want to understand.
I had one of the greatest schocks, when I first time came into contact with a vaccinated person. I was sick for 3 days and needed about 10 days to be myself again.
I got a kind of kick of something black into my stomach and my knees were trembling for hours. Just thinking about this person made me feel sick. In general I feel like the energy is sucked from my throat and my solarplexus when I am close to vaccinated people. There are many reports that unvaccinated people became sick from their vaccinated initmates, women started bleeding and almost loosing their uterus, while men got inflammation of their testicles. Medical specialists were confirming these things. A friend also told me about her friend who got a burn on her arm where her newly vaccinated frien touched her.
Energy healers reported that vaccinated people had a kind of metallic grid in all their organs and that it was not possible to send them healing energy. Just to mention some of the happenings.
Thank you so much for helping me to understand Almine’s statement.
Thank you ever so much for these insights Beloved Almine <3 LPGSTH
Dearest Mother – thank you for the updates.
Thank you, for this info, beloved Almine.
Thank you beloved Mother for providing clarity, as always.
very many thanks ..how to put in words what I feel for expressing ?
I am deeply grateful for this valuable update and for blessings received to help guide us with loved ones during this challenging time.
I am very very greatful for this update… Deepest gratitude!!
Oh Almine! How I so so appreciate these little important updates!