After last week’s “new song of the self”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction:
Prediction for the week of March 10 – March 16, 2013
Effort is required this week to choose your reality and evolve beyond self-imposed boundaries of expression. It is a week the cosmos would like to bestow greater consciousness, if you but allow it by seeing beyond old viewpoints and labels. Cultivate an eternal perspective.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of March 03 – March 09, 2013
If you step out of your rut, it will feel as though you are releasing a weight from your body. If you allow it, this week will release the heaviness of past programs and matrices. Filters of perception will fall away and hope will sing in your cells. This is the week of a new song of the self.
As always, tell us what inspires you of the prediction for the upcoming week, or your thoughts on last week’s prediction.
Almine doesn’t only do weekly predictions. Through her daily predictions for the unfolding of Infinite Life within the cosmos come forth, in the form of the Calendar of Oneness. For many across the globe this calendar is proving an invaluable tool to use throughout their day and to align themselves with Life as it is expressing through them. Check out the website of the Calendar if you like Almine’s weekly predictions and want to receive daily insights, including sigils and angel names to work with…
Dhani says
For gaining greater conciousness, there’s the story that Almine recounts near the end of the radio show, Contact talk radio, on March 8. Original broadcast 2pm EST and also at 9pm EST.
Dhani says
Is this the wheel for the Calendar of Oneness.
Niels says
Indeed, Dhani, it is 🙂
Team Almine