In this talk between Rogier and Niels we discuss the recent events that have forced Almine to take a step back and put Spiritual Journeys in a kind of stasis until we can expand again. We hope that this discussion gives you a bit more insight into this whole situation.
For more information, see the official announcement in this post here.
Also, check out the mentioned recording about the inner babe and the state of shock, in this post here.
From all of us here at Team Almine, thank you for the many, many messages we have received. Your concern, words of healing and heartfelt compassion have left us speechless.
Selma Sahin says
Dear Christina:
thanks for your excellent comments and insights! I agree.
Dear Niels and Rogier:
I heard your amazing recording 1 week ago, just prior to a great Spiritual Journeys cruise, where Almine could only join us non-physically this time.
I was so impressed with how well you explained this situation, as well as how it impacted you personally. For example, the discussion about what words such as “immortality” really mean was thought-provoking.
Like some others have said, I feel that Almine’s stasis is giving the rest of us an opportunity to reflect, absorb more of her teachings [which have been SO rapid in recent years], practise, and count our blessings.
It has been easy for me for so many years [13+] to see Almine at retreats several times each year, although I was sometimes concerned about how “hard she worked”, bringing forth so much content and responding to so many individuals’ requests for help. So from that perspective, I am happy if she is getting a “forced” rest now — time to Be much more than to Do, although she loves it and doesn’t consider it as “work”.
Thanks again to all former and current SJ staff for all they are and do!
LPGTS blessings … Selma
filo mooney says
Much love to you Almine, your family and staff.
Sandra says
♫♥ Dear Rogier, Niels and beautiful Almine ~ yes, I understand about the changing from “dragon” to “thunderbird energy,” as was elucidated in the how (necessary) separation, or cutting occurs. When a kitchen knife slit the middle finger of my right hand (inadvertent & self-inflicted,) I needed to keep reminding Self that I’m not a physical body. Now there is hardly any vestige of scarring. Indeed, the DNA “thinks” and grows differently in response to loving energies we intend towards it. Very instructive and insightful sound-clip here. Thank you…May your angels remain close by. Our heartfelt prayers for a continued, planetarywide healing. God bless you.
Michael D Lawrience says
Almine is expanding her consciousness and Being to clear a major Darkness from humanity and the Earth that affects everyone. She needs all of us to go beyond our personality worries, wants and needs as these only interfere rather than assisting. Connect with your highest God Self. She especially needs support for her physical body as she expands. Call upon God Beings to support her physical body. Also any spiritual masters that you connect with such as Amma/Bhagavan, Christ, Sai Baba, Yogananda, Archangel Raphael and Saint Germain. Most important Archangel Michael and his Legions of Light can clear Almine’s house and property of any Dark influences wanting to interfere with her creation and manifestation at this time. Do this daily.
ronald bartholomew says
dearest almine
just seen the website that you are in hospital i met you some years ago and my love has always been with you,please take all the time you need on your own healing path .i will pray for you on your journey through this healing fase
god bless you and much love
ronald bartholomew in south wales england
Niels says
Dear all,
What can I say but a big heartfelt ‘thank you’ for your warm words. Glad this audio helped 🙂
Team Almine
Chris W. says
Almine went on this leg of her Journey to achieve something really big – an endeavor she has longed for to undertake, waiting for her light family to provide enough energy thrust. She announced it when she declared December to be the Month of High Magic in this video here: . So we now need to expand as much as we can and unconditionally direct energy to her. For she trusts on us for this support and we can trust her to use these energies towards the right goal whatever this might be. This might take well into January, and if things go as usual, we shall hope to see the outcome in February, as in this
video here: Almine pointed to the significance of February for her for new beginnings (at around 4′ 37”).
Selma Sahin says
Hi, Chris. Thanks for your insights. I recall your amazing photos from our first Killarney Ontario retreat 🙂 Since then, I’ve been able to take many there, too — especially with an inter-dimensional being [fairy?] that appears in many photos and 3 videos!
Elinas Dezouche says
It is with heart felt love that I am sharing this moment with You All.
Alminine has come into my life rather recently, compared to many of you.
Her presence has been felt deeply by myself and some of my FB friends
For have been sharing her work for at least a year and particatjng in various ways, I so value her presence amongst us.
The multi dimensional being she expresses or mirrors to us is a gift beyond most peoples comprehension for she is lightening our way
As we walk this pqth of Ascension we all will be going thriugh some form of this in the near times to come.
And so with deep love and light I will hold the space of her highest truth of choice .
And many blessing for her team of supporters and loved ones.
May this season bring joy and peace too ALL
Elinas Dezouche ♡♡♡♡♡♡♡♡☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
marli says
What are we going to co-create as a platform for 2015?
I feel the urgency to take time reflect upon what is really important.
Having strong legs to stand on as I move forward in this journey of
self-discovery. May our path be a well-lit and a joyful one.
Wishing Almine , her family and friends a Special Holiday Season!
Thank You!
Jan says
There are really no words to describe Almine or her unfolding story. Her current situation defies logic (its difficult to wrap your head around) and sorely tries the emotions. It breaks our hearts wide open. My most immediate response is to surrender and trust in that which is unfolding in the moment, beyond the appearances, and to support in any and all ways that I can. There is the immense love I feel for Almine, the praise I feel for her luminous presence, brilliance, beauty, grace, generosity, kindness and humor (to hear her laughter and see her smile), to look into her eyes and see eternity. Finally, but not least in any way, is the gratitude to her for all she has given to the world and each of us through her teachings and most of all, through her example. What priceless gifts she has given us! I envision and intend these ascension attitudes as a ‘life raft’ for Almine to rest upon and draw sustenance from so she can ‘float’ effortlessly in peace, solitude and expansion as she chooses.
Though it is her very nature and passion to create, the contraction of Spiritual Journeys business conversely provides Almine with the freedom to go into maximum expansion. As she has exclaimed us to be in a time of resurrection –it is a time of ‘growing up’ and fully living the mastery she exemplifies. Many of you have expressed the same thoughts in your emails to team members and myself.
I’d like to take the opportunity to formally express a huge thank you on behalf of Almine, her family, and Team Almine, and to add my personal thanks as well, for the many people who have contacted us with their well wishes and generous support, including financial support. Almine truly gives her all so the donations, along with the emails stating, “don’t send me a refund for the Holiday retreat” are very much welcome and appreciated. We’ve had offers of volunteering in every way imaginable; they are all acknowledged and appreciated as well. Thank you so very much for respecting her privacy and allowing her a bridge to no time and space to do whatever she needs to.
I am beyond grateful for the opportunity to work side by side with Almine and to have met so many of you. We are all part of Almine’s support team. To ‘official’ Team Almine members all around the world – it is an amazing journey we are on and it is an honor and privilege to work with each of you.
Kelly Wilmeth says
Thank you everyone. Jan thanks so much for your beautiful words and your beautiful heart. Hugs and kisses to you. I have profound love and reverence for Almine that is beyond words.
May she continue to restore her magnificence and feel refreshed and replenished and know that we are flourishing and radiantly smiling individually and collectively.
Judith MacDonald says
Thank you, Jan, whom I met several years ago, and the rest of the Team Almine for your thoughtful words and your discussion, Rogier and Niels, of the recent ‘event.’ Last night I did a powerful meditation of sound and movement brought forth from the angelic realm weaving Light/Love/Praise/Gratitude around Almine and all of you and her family. I could never have done that without her profound teachings. She is so precious and I love her deeply. I have been a student of Almine’s for many years, having first seen her in New Mexico and then participating in her first pods in Newport. I carry you all in my heart and in my prayers. Beloved Almine, thank you.
Judith MacDonald
Christine Douglas says
Thank you Rogier, Niels, Jan & the rest of the A-Team.
such beautiful work you did, you do and will do in the future.
Almine is continuing to be a gift for humanity. All is well, let’s get to work. 🙂
Marisa King says
Thank you Christina T. and Chi Xin, touched upon and written so beautifully! I would like to admit, in all honesty, that I had been feeling a bit untouchable by death. This Has Humbled me Greatly. I have always, since I can remember, felt that aging was unnecessary, and death I never really thought too much about. Since coming into a deep awareness within the last year, that I am an Original one, integrating this concept fully into my being, having existed for eons, cells vibrating in such intensity, was a huge transformational point in my life, I have since held strongly to the concepts of immortality, and Self Regeneration, untouchable, assuming that I will always be in this body, and exist, always.
Humbled indeed.
Lupe says
Thank you Rogier and Niels, I am deeply touched, I send all my love to our beloved Almine.
Jodie C. says
Niels and Rogier – your impeccable authenticity in today’s posted audio reverberates to my core…. I whole-heartedly agree and extend in kind the beautiful insights that so many have eloquently expressed, about the excellence of the Team at large, and our profound, whole-Being appreciation for all that you have and continue to now offer in masterful response…. May the cathartic potential of these exceptional circumstances be indeed the groundswell Beloved Almine foresaw, as we evolve to as yet unseen new heights….
In Praise, Love, Gratitude and Trust Eternal….
Denise O Regan says
Deeply grateful Niels and Rogier for this insightful and inspiring talk and offering a field of hope. Thank you A-team and our light family for this new unfolding adventure. What a joy to step into our mastery and hold hands as we create with Infinite Intent. Much love to our beloved Almine. We love you
Dhani says
Thank you Rogier for filling us in on the details of the past week or so. Many thanks for asking those key questions Niels.
We shall do our best to live the inner babe and allow it to thrive in our new reality.
Chi Xin Thorp says
Thank you dear Almine Team! As close students of Almine, I feel how difficult for you at this trying time. Although, I have not met Almine in person yet, I have grown to love her and honor her greatly for the past two years studying her teachings. I believe many years ago that I had a dream traveling in South Africa and met her before I encountered her materials. As I understand and experience, spiritual journey has many challenges and testings. Spiritual journey is a purification journey. I really appreciate so much depth, joy and beauty, artistry, love that Almine brings to her teaching and what she does. I feel that not many people truly comprehend what she does and what she teaches. To have such being walking on earth is a Miracle itself. And she will walk on in whatever form to bless and to inspire!
Let’s pray to the Infinite Mother and Angles God/Goddess on her behalf!
With Love, Praise and Gratitude,
Chi Xin
Christina T says
Thank you Niels and Rogier! This brings more insight to this whole adventure and I too have felt some of these things transpiring the last few months. Some of what you shared Rogier has been in my awareness and some of what we are all going through has been experienced at an intense state also. Hearing what you have shared helps to give greater depth and understanding to things. As much as it is difficult to know Almine’s physical being is in a perceived the same time I know all is perfect and just a catalyst to something new and so grand that we really can not fully speculate as to what it will be. Yes we have this knowledge deep within us and are participating in the journey…yet it is still an unknown awakening beyond where we can see. I can feel sparks of immense emotion that will inspire and overflow our hearts to live at a more higher vibration and lightness. Infinite gratitude for what Almine is doing to assist us all in this and gratitude to all who walk in mastery beside her. 2015 feels like a year where we can be and live much more from the core of authenticity and the inspiration that prompts our hearts. Almine gives so generously..this is a profound gift also in what she is doing right now…my hope is the many will recognize just how grand it is and step up their god-being attitudes and qualities in walking right beside her. Then I see us living the Infinite’s intent in all its glory. I feel Almine now beside me and the warmth and tingling in my body gives me a stirring of joy I have yet experienced! May we all feel this as we hold hands with Almine! LPGSTA ~ All life will change when it knows its source of inspiration~
Primo Paradero says
Dear Christina,
Let me just say, first of all, that I feel deep gratitude and appreciation for your heartfelt words and insights.
Definitely, giving us a nice ray of hope … trusting that what our dear Almime is going through is just a difficult phase in Her evolution … feels comforting. Thank you so much!
Christina T says
Thank you Primo! I appreciate your words and presence! 🙂 Hugs~ LGPT
Marisa King says
A very deep Thank you Rogier, and Niels, this audio really brought such a calming of the waters
Thank you
Teena says
Rogier, Niels, Jan & the rest of the A-Team; Thank you for your immense contribution, dedication and love toward Almine and her teachings. You have all enriched our lives beyond what can be explained with mere words.. My praise, love, gratitude and appreciation for you all is eternally given. Our light family stands with you all. Love, Teena
Anita says
yes Niels…there is such richness in the material, incredible guidance that will lead us as far as we choose to go–may the student base become stronger through this…more committed and self-motivated. Thanks Niels and Rogier for wonderful and much appreciated sharing and comments.
Jill B. says
Thank you both so much for taking the time to share your thoughts and insights with us. As always, I learn a lot from your thoughtful discussion, and am very grateful to hear from you! Much, much love! Jill
Linda says
Thank you Niels and Rogier for taking the time to share your understanding of what has taken place with Almine and Spiritual Journeys in the past weeks. Creating a greater understanding for us all in the steps that can be taken to carry on Almine’s work.
Devapriya says
Thank you Niels and Rogier!!!!! <3
Alexandra says
That is what I thought at first. That reading Almine’s past experiences with beings trying to ‘stop’ her, that that is what may have happened.