Questions: Is the symbol of the snake eating its tail, a symbol of the feminine (in her snake form) consuming and rebirthing herself into life/death/rebirth cycles. Is there a symbol/sigil for the feminine transcending out of these life/death/rebirth cycles? Or, are these cycles just inherently part of the feminine?
The Seer: That symbol of the ‘ouroboros’ (the snake eating its tail) is often interpreted by many cultures as a symbol for eternal cyclic renewal or a cycle of life, death, and rebirth. We have been studying the stages of change for years (also found in Journey to the Heart of God). The stages of transformation (masculine in nature, pruning away the obsolete), transmutation (feminine in nature — birthing something new from the old), and transfiguration (neutral in nature —bringing stability and attempting to perpetuate the status quo) So firstly, you can see that the cycles of life are not just feminine. It is the interaction of the masculine and feminine that begets the new birthing.
Secondly, the superficial meaning of the ouroboros may be referring to the cyclical nature of change, but the deeper mystical message is that wisdom ultimately consumes itself. In a nutshell, the often-repeated instruction to the Original Ones is that today’s truth is not tomorrow’s truth, so hold on lightly to your truth. It may change tomorrow. The deeper understanding of the cyclical stages of change is that the perpetual motion of the rotation of cosmic change is the free energy device that powers the universe. Understanding this helps us transition from the difficult stage of global “pruning,” or transformation to transmutation, or birthing a new way of life, and eventual stability. But there is another symbol. The symbol of the snake eating an egg.
I first encountered the serpent (without the egg) symbol in a crop glyph in the grain fields of Britain. When I visited the same glyph the next day, a large egg design had formed above the head of the snake, during the night. This is the symbol that represents getting off the treadmill of repetition cycles by consuming the egg of wisdom. It represents the stage of change known as transcendence (the drawing of energy from moving between dimensions for self-regeneration). This is the energy source used to achieve immortality. The snake is not eating some other creature’s egg, but it’s own. The symbol of the snake eating its own egg is of wisdom consuming itself.
Wisdom is the application of accessed information or knowledge. It encapsulates the energy of yesterday’s truth that then becomes tomorrow’s sustenance. In other words, when we accumulate information, it ties up energy. When we then realize that life is unknowable and let go of things we think we know, that energy releases and propels us into higher realities. We transcend the reality of the masses. The snake turns the egg of wisdom into an energy source.
That Snake is on card 96, Deck 12. This last day of our Map of Potential for 2020.
What incredibly profound mysteries we are able to access now!
Thank you for this valuable insight. It feels like a beautiful dance. 🙏
And one of the Runes for today is “Releasing the Need to Know”. So we can call upon the Angel God Ersetavar to nudge us along to Transcendence.
Oh how excellent is this wisdom! Thank you for this. Was wondering about this when the Seer went into retreat and what happens to all that accessed knowledge and wisdom. Thank you for making this so much more clear.
Thank you for this wonderful and detail explanation Almine. With gratitude.
It a warning from Christ that we’ll never get out without Him. Creation will just keep eating itself until Full Actual Resurrection in Him takes place. The snake came with it’s Lion’s head and an Archon Universe formed, an alien imposter soul. A large belly called Baal upon which they gaze upon from above, archons to be kings. Many snakes within the belly of The One. The One that came to claim that day the real Holy One. The secret is we are the snake creation in Christ protecting ourself eating our not their. Christ seals that to escape a snake(thief in the night). The night is the belly. The night is the massive eat of souls they own, they as strangers to Heaven. They as machines.
It is multi-faceted symbolism and means many things. That’s the deep true though.