Snippets of Wisdom
For some time now we have placed little previews of almost all of Almine’s books on Not only the selected free pages which you can find on any product page, but also little snippets of wisdom that are shared to enjoy and ponder over. You can find these little snippets on the wisdom pages of Spiritual Journeys. Here is a little example of such a wisdom:
Dancing with Grace
It is the privilege of each being to illuminate the Infinite’s ray of light with the dance of his or her existence. There is only the choice of dancing with grace through complete surrender, or of bouncing off the window of the mirrored matrices through opposing life. Let go the burdens of having to prove yourself, or fix or save others. Let your accomplishments be for the joy and adventure of life, all the while remembering that there is only the endless dance of eternal existence.
From Almine’s book Aranash Suba Yoga – The Yoga of Enlightenment.
Read selected pages of this book for free.
Almine’s yoga for releasing trauma and strengthening the Eternal Song of the Infinite within.
Recently Added
Recently added snippets to the wisdom section hail from Aranash Suba Yoga, Seer’s Wisdom, Secrets of Dragon Magic and Sacred Breaths of Arasatma.
Again, you can find these snippets on the wisdom pages of Spiritual Journeys, or just by clicking here.
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