Relating to others has become burdensome to me — at times this even applies to our Light family. On the other hand, others close to me are complaining that I am “losing my personality” and becoming less fun to be around. Can you comment on this?
The Seer:
The Lightfamily members have adopted human traits and folly in varying degrees. This means that at times they would seem as foreign to your nature ( your “god-nature”) as humans do. Let’s name but a few points on which Godbeings and humans differ, which makes relating on a personal level very difficult.
• Godbeings have deep and meaningful satisfaction, but not “fun”. And yes, to humans that may seem dull and uninteresting, but to Godbeings, the human obsession with seeking fun seems childish and shallow.
• The human inclination of equating the depth of the quality of time spent with someone, with how much time is spent together, makes no sense to a Godbeing who lives in the innocence of the moment. In fact, one hour of time in which there is an exchange of giving and receiving, is more valuable to a Godbeing, as a week of idle chatter is to a human. The desire of a human to need more time together feels draining and needy to a Godbeing. Godhood lives in profound gratitude for what is, rather than ever-reaching for more.
Question: What gives the feeling of deep and meaningful satisfaction? Can you give an example in your life?
The Seer: Everything.
Very excited for the 27th.
Thank you Almine. This explanation was a much-needed breath of clarity.
Thank you for this post – it addresses relevant thoughts of mine.
This resonates so deeply and sweetly. I am so very grateful for these questions and explanations. Brilliant!
I can completely relate. I’m assuming like many here that the strive that most humans have to seek out the sensational and fill out life with as many activities as possible doesn’t work for me in this way. One hour spent with another who’s able to be fully present with me, or even being fully present myself whilst listening to beautiful music or even feeling the summer breeze on my cheeks does so much more for me than what most humans seem to fill their lives with.
I don’t know if this is correct, but it feels like what humans consider ‘fun’ very often is like a search for excessive sensations or activities (adrenaline) to feel in a way that they mostly do not feel the rest of their day. I mean, why the need seek out ways to feel deeply when most things you do make you feel deeply?
And yes the human need to go out and waste a ton of energy organizing something to try and ‘feel’ something seems a bit exhaustive to me as well.
It is kind of ironic that humans seem to be seeking a meaningful depth in their lives by trying to do particular activities, whereas everything in live you do is what you are supposed to be doing and alters reality in meaningful ways.
That said, OO do not feel this urge to confirm their presence in society. Seeking out ways to be seen, pretending that doing more than others establishes a sense of self worth.
I am so very grateful for this message.
Thank you many months ago they said to me Be inspired by everything? All my love to you all
Thank you!💜
Oh yes… so it is. The shallowness of others is often hard to take
I agree, and I love this brilliant post Thankyou!
Deeply Grateful for more clarity on this!
YES!! Thank you for making this abundantly clear!