What we look at, we solidify. What we experience unfolds into endless possibility. When we look back, the past solidifies into the present. When we look forward, we create a life with only the possibilities of this moment, denying the contribution of future moments. Either way creates a life of mediocrity. The moment is an illusion, it does not exist. It splits the place of no-time. What is real, cannot be split.
Don’t hold on. Blow free with the wind. Where the wind blows, there are no moments.
Diane says
“What we look at, we solidify. What we experience unfolds into endless possibility. When we look back, the past solidifies into the present. …”
It is incredible how often I need to hear the above portion of “Denying The Contribution of Future Moments?” Thank you! I so want to meet Almine and her wonderful students, but I feel stuck (in density) — not quite knowing how to go after what my heart longs to experience, but instead being concerned with my job, my home, and my husband. I am hoping that the sound elixir I ordered from Almine will help. Thank you, Almine, for all you do — and thanks to Niels, Rogier and David, too.
Niels says
Dear Diane, thank you for your kind words!
Perhaps a 1 day event will be something for you? This year they will be held in Miami and in Chicago.
Take a look at our retreats section here