This is such a beautiful thing to remember and remind ourselves of. As we walk the path of ascension, and the mystical journey with Almine, we need to remember that our bodies are part of the journey. Something I have either overlooked (also on purpose), or just forgotten. Often we don’t see the body as equally important and holy as the soul or the spirit, in fact we often are despised with it, its appearance or natural functions.
Almine has said that there is actually a lot of shame and guilt around the body, and it keeps us from going to the next level. Working on identifying and releasing the areas where we feel guilty or shameful about what the body does, or is perceived to be keeping us from experiencing, can yield amazing insights.
Many people experience various physical symptoms due to the ascension process, purification of the body and the releasing of old patterns and emotions that no longer serve us. During the Global Health Symposium for Lightworkers there will be speakers all over the world talking about different themes and Almine will address the participants at the end and give information on how we can deal with these issues. This will surely be an event not to be missed!
Until then, the online course “Mystical Secrets of the Toltec Way” gives tremendous insights on the body and beautiful ceremonies to clear and purify the 13 joints, embody the goddess archetypes and much more. In yesterday’s post, which you can find here, we learned that purity is the true pattern of Infinite Intent expressing in the moment, and that impurity is the distortion of this pattern. The Goddess archetype no 11 could also help us with this process of purifying our lives, and bodies, thus revealing the pure, original pattern.
Neshet-viraspi-heresha – (Alu-mi-na) – She who embraces the impure within the pure.
The rejecting of the ‘impure,’ is a judgement of the heart that strengthens it.
Allowing the impure to pass through the pure, like wind through the trees, cancels it out.
Letting the impure pass through, the resistance or density to just flow through us, is also what Almine talks about in describing the ninth direction, the direction of through. I have practised this a lot and it has truly given me less tension in my body. But now I feel it is time for me to take a serious look on how I reject myself, judge or value one body part over another and release my resistance to it’s limitations, so I can hear the sacred messages from the timeless expression of my being…
First post of today
You’re welcome. I love reminders, so I am grateful that it resonates with you too!
Devapiya – yes, I think so too, that the programmed belief that the body is unholy and impure is a remnant from the religious teachings. It was one of the ways to keep us under control and limited in our expression, not to mention to keep us in ignorance of the magic of the body. The human flesh holds magic (DNA codes) and whoever controls the flesh controls the cosmos. That’s why everybody wants it.
Patricia – me too! It has really dawned on me how little I think of my body and what a true temple of the divine it really is. In Almine’s meditations she often uses the image of a little mouth that blows out all tension in the body, I use that a lot 🙂
Thank you Malue!. A spiritual teacher of mine many years ago would remind us that the body is a “temple” and should be revered as much. This post is so timely because I hold so much tension in certain areas of my body..neck and shoulders especially, so I am starting right now to allow the tension to pass through!
Ooopss, I just realized that the post is from Malue, not Niels. Thank you Malue for your beautiful words.
Niels, thank you for the reminder. It is so true that we tend to consider the physical body less sacred than the spiritual one. Remnants of religious teachings?…