Why are so many professional athletes either dropping dead during performances or injured?
The Seer:
The hostile waveforms from the 5 G satellites not only destroy the Earth’s protective fields (we’ve referred to these as the luminous cocoon), but also that of the individual (the luminous egg found around the human body).
On the Belvaspata website images from gas discharge video imaging (an advanced type of Kirillean photography used to photograph auras) show a damaged luminous cocoon versus a whole one. An individual’s deteriorated luminous cocoon leaves gaps in the fields. This creates opportunities for injuries.
In addition, intense physical activity releases the deadly hostile properties of the graphene chip and other nanoparticles in the vaccines the athletes were coerced into having. The result is sudden death.
The Seer’s Note:
When the earth’s luminous cocoon deteriorates, it allows meteors, comets, and hostile wave bombardment from space to strike and injure the Earth.
Doing the light explosion protocol will help keep the luminous cocoon strong.
Dhani says
Thank you for this great reminder.
Gio says
Tina thank you so much!! This Is REALLY important ITS actually a silence death
Ailsa Mclean says
Thank you very much for the question and the answer.
Vanessa says
Deeply Grateful for this Thankyou 💖