I have a question regarding dream symbols as used to interpret signs in our environment. What is the meaning of the symbolism of a goat? I had a most peculiar sighting at a crosswalk: a woman had a goat on a leash and was walking up to the crosswalk. It looked as though the goat itself pressed the button to cross the road at the traffic lights.
The Seer:
In the dream dictionary, a goat is described as:
Stubbornness, resistance to change. The added symbolism of crossing the road at a crosswalk implies stubbornness about a change of general awareness or a change of perspective; how one sees life. Most of the population, stubbornly refuse to take precautions about the food shortages and disrupted supply chains that they are being warned about; that statistics show to be inevitable. Instead of seeing the upcoming emergency conditions, they still wait for life to “return to normal”. They stubbornly refuse to change their erroneous perspective that the restrictions are just a temporary inconvenience, to a bigger understanding of the disintegration of society.
The Seer’s note:
Even though preparing for self-sufficiency in a materialistic society of dependencies, could be a daunting prospect, I am reminded of a saying I have had on my desk for many years where I blend the oils:
How does one eat an elephant? One bite at a time.
How does one undertake the longest journey? One step at a time.
I try and do one thing (no matter how small) every day to strengthen my family’s preparedness; to buy one toothbrush at the dollar store; to research one home remedy topic or buy one packet of seeds; to teach myself one skill I didn’t have before — just like eating an elephant.
Question: What is the meaning of a rabbit in dream symbology?
The Seer: Speed is needed
(A dead bunny means less speed is needed)
Gio says
Thank you my Beloved for this post
Dhani says
Okay thank you for this extremely important allert!!
A ghost bunny means slow down. 😉
Jane Barry says
Perfect! Thank you 😊