Time for Almine’s weekly prediction. After last week’s release of blame and shame, it is time for a subtle shift in energy and power…
Prediction for the week of February 10 – February 16, 2013
This week will have a shift in power and subtle but profound changes in how energy is distributed. Dysfunctional tyrants will lose dominance, as we release the desire to control life. Living and interacting with others will take on a new meaning.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of February 03 – February 09, 2013
In the release of the past shall the moment be set free. Regard the folly of others as the walls of the labyrinth of self-discovery. Release all blame for the mistakes of others, and shame over mistakes of yourself, and this could become a life-changing week.
As always, tell us what inspires you of the prediction for the upcoming week, or your thoughts on last week’s prediction.
Lydia Yellowbird says
Thank you Dhani! Much love!
Lydia Yellowbird says
Wow the pope resigns? That is something! Thank you Almine! And I thought it was petty tyrants! Well he is a pretty big petty tyrant! I am so amazed!
Dhani says
Hey, the Pope resigns…….yes, the Pope resigns! WOW, that Almine is a pretty good predictor…….ya think…….!!!
Mark Joseph Middleton says
For me last week was reaffirming a few harder truths, which was a release in essence it allows me to move forward with greater understanding of what I deal with in the unhealthy and healthy consciousness. I understand we may call this a duality but its is too separate minds in play in society. An important distinction for me at the moment, as I see it now deeper. This has allowed several things to take place.
For this week.
The tyrants a year or so ago would have been money, the court case on money and the bank, the judge etc. But I loved all of it, every last person there. My family were scared as to what would happen to their house, but I didn’t try most of the day, just loved them. I feel the heart is constricted and still really gunked up, but it was on, it was on the whole day. In the anger, tension and fear from those in the car, in the imposing court room where I can see how ill almost everyone there (including me to an extent) was. I could see how I used to be and how I am now, I just loved all of them. Every time I saw a face that was in pain I settled myself, when I wasn’t ‘trying’ it worked well and was clear just love, not much left brain. 🙂
There was no tyrant, even the judge was loved at the point of making her decision, long before with no strings. I felt a tiny bit of nerves in the body, nothing like I would use to call nerves as there was no reaction to it in me.
Anyway, longer than you wanted but there you are. Fits this week.
*Dreams came back again but I don’t want them :), I am doing better without than with that extra variable!
Dhani says
Yes, been waiting for this prediction. Mighty glad it’s here. Enjoying every bit of it!
Keep going my dear. You are an inspiration!
with most loving kindness,
Lydia Yellowbird says
I was having memories of the past where I did things, even into childhool, where I felt shame, quilt and blamed my deceased mother for not talking to me about anything to prepare me for life. Last week’s prediction was bang on! I met with my Residential School legal to go over my application for a Negotiated Settlement Process and it did open a floodgate of those memories, implanted or otherwise,they still felt real! I took the day from work as I started crying over everything. I had no control over my emotions that morning. I went home and had my great granddaughter with me and she was such a joy to have at home alone with me. I processed, I listened to my angel elixir, my personal elixir, studied some of the wheels and in the late afternoon started reading “A Life of Miracles”. That was the best thing I did for myself that day! It made sense why I have been going through such a tough time physically this past little while. I have been holding on to things from the past because I did not realize I ws still stuck back there. The priest who did what he did was an instrument of my making to learn losing innocence and today working on being that innocence. Do I hate him, no. Am I angry, yes! I have a great rage within me but it is not only him, it is my father dying at age 2, being abducted and raped at age 3 and again at age 15. This incident is in the middle of those horrifying, rage creating events. So my question is how to forgive, let go and move on? Does forgiveness have layers? I thought I forgave many times over but here it is again but in a more raw state. The other times before were surface forgivenesses and it doesn’t work for me to know that “there really is nothing to forgive as everything is all innocence” and “we made contracts”. It still bloody hurts! So I see the next three months until my hearing as a time to work at truly remembering the moments of that incident as I have blocked most of it out! I thank Almine for last week’s prediction as it truly opened up some stuff for me to clear up and move on at last. It was interesting as the young man started questioning me how my head, my sinuses, nose and throat started hurting, filling instantly where I thought I was choking and not being able to breathe, talk or cry! It was very clear where my physical issues came from! LPG!