Almine’s new prediction for the upcoming week is out:
Prediction for the week of November 18 – November 24, 2012
Your senses will be sharp this week. It is the time to eliminate addictions to food and to replace them with foods that inspire. Explore the details of your world and allow answers to come effortlessly.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of November 11 – November 17, 2012
This week could shift paradigms in a way that would create bodily detoxification symptoms. Create ample opportunities for rest and sleep. Allow yourself to feel the motives behind your words and the words of others.
Letting go of addiction and replacing it with inspiration… A very interesting prediction for this week by Almine! Share in the comments how the past week has turned out for you with the prediction in mind, or how you see the upcoming week. We always love to hear from you.
Dearest Niels. This did make me smile. I hold my hands up, I have been a little resistant to letting go of coffee… actually that’s a fib. A lot resistant.
My coffee percolator, whom I affectionately call ‘Pierre le Percolateur’ (I can’t quite believe I am confessing outloud to having pet names for electrical items!) has recently taken matters into his own hands & suddenly started making only a half a pot of coffee no matter how much water I put in.
Just, literally, as you posted this… it has now started to only make a third.
I stood in the kitchen and laughed so much.
I remembered Regina’s wonderfully titled post ‘my soup speaks to me’ & I thought ‘well, would you look at that, my coffee percolator speaks to me too!’
Happy Sunny Monday to everyone.
I had a major shift on Monday last week when I allowed myself to do something different. I allowed myself to just be instead of doing and I heard the other person’s story clearly. We were able to come to an understanding and I gave her a hug which cleared the negative energy which had been present before! I had an immediate energy boost! It was glorious! Then this weekend I did nothing but listen to Almine, read more, had a long soak and slept! I then started this morning with a read over the Secrets of Rejuvenation! I have been struggling with starting the BED again! I had a firm commitment today to begin eating the right food combinations! Learning more about cellular levels and the what the body requires for rejuvenation and ascension. Lots and lots of stuff! I am happy again to have a deeper understanding!