Empowerment is the desire to serve. At first, this definition might not make sense. The connection between service and empowerment might seem a bit obscure. The reason is that man has really not understood the proper meaning of service.
Service has often meant assuaging our conscience by giving a handout, not really addressing the deficiency that caused the condition in the first place. True service instead is empowering the individual to find his own way out of the dire straits of his life. This way he has something to show for his hardship; newfound strength or abilities.
The desire to be of service will be never-ending if it is based on need. As Christ said, “The hungry will always be among us”. It could eventually pull us into the despair of need as well. The
balancing factor is humor.
Humor laughs at life, laughs at self and, instead of blaming, laughs at the folly of others. It cannot take anything too seriously because it knows without a shadow of doubt that we’re just engaged in a play. It helps by empowering the beggar, not because he seems needy, but just because it is his role. The play must go on because it has value.
From Almine’s fourth book The Ring of Truth – Sacred Secrets of the Goddess.
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shamira says