Establishing Silence of the Mind
The initial establishing of a body free from linear time would ideally require an entire week to be set aside to do this exercise. However, to set aside even an hour a day will produce beneficial results. This is not like meditation, but like a child observing the world around him. Releasing linear time from the body is not only the way to youthen, but is also the way to optimum health. Linear time, and its resulting tension, are a form of self-conflict, an inner war that produces inflammation.
“The How To Exercise” for Silencing of the Mind
In preparation for this week of silence, stock up on any groceries that you may require including whole foods and pure water. It is recommended that you do not go into the outside world of people and traffic. Avoid stores and public places.
As it is your intent to switch the world off for a week, disconnect all phones, televisions, faxes, computers and music to enable you to experience complete silence. Use oil lamps or candles in order to feel the deep rhythms of the Earth blend with you.
Initially you may experience some discomfort as it may feel alien to you to just be. Over the next few days as the ‘talons of linear time’ are released from you body, you may experience unprecedented depths of bliss.
Sleep when you are tired, wake when you wish, eat when you feel inclined. Be comfortable in a self-nourishing way with fuzzy blankets and comfy slippers. (Do not go to sleep if you are only doing if for an hour per day.)
Try to just ‘be’. This is different from meditation. When a thought arises, do not engage it. Just observe the thought rise and fall like a wave on the ocean. Do not read or listen to music during this time. The goal is to empty the mind, not to fill it.
If tension in any part of the body persists during the first days, pretend there is a little mouth over the area and breathe the tension out in deep breaths. Envision a bird’s talons in the area and see yourself pry them loose as you breathe.
Whether you use the above exercise in multiple sessions or complete it as one long session, the goal is to feel the release of linear time. You may suddenly feel at some point as if egoic mind, which is usually driving you to action, constantly chattering, and moving you out of the present moment, is… silent. Your mind may seem so still in fact, that the silence itself is experienced as ‘loud’. Once the stillness comes, you will find that increased energy is available for ‘paying attention’, which results in increased awareness and perception, and the experience of ‘eternal time’.
You cannot fly high like an eagle while simultaneously trying to fit in with the turkeys. Moving beyond mortal boundaries requires an uncompromising life. ~ Almine
Originally this piece comes from Handbook for Healers. Also, check out this other recent blog post about silencing the mind.
Patricia says
Thank you Niels! You know, a couple weeks ago when attempting to consciously relax my body before falling asleep, I tried to go back to the memory of being a child falling asleep; not having a care in the world because my parents took care of everything…my job was to play in the sun and water, eat and sleep (especially focused on summer time). I found this helps me a lot to remove tension in the body..once getting to that place of relaxation, replacing parents with The Infinite. 😀
nadia says
Thank you, Niels, just in time. I recalled it only when Almine reminded about it.
Niels says
You are very much so welcome. Actually, Almine and Jan are the ones to be thanked, as this piece fist was posted in the Handbook for Healers book and on (Almine’s health blog).
Team Almine