Have we been getting feedback about this Awakening from the Dream show! In this deeply spiritual but also highly experimental episode we cover the angels of redemption: Alignment, unfoldment, grace, enjoyment and more. But that’s not all! In the second half of the show Rogier, David, Niels and special guest star Avril go all out in an Awakening first:
Two live experiments with the listener.
The first is pure fun and enjoyment – experiencing the sound of… Sound. And laughter apparently. The second experiment is experiencing communication through Silence, when listeners from around the globe (live and in the archives, spanning space and time) join in together by focusing on the “sigil to connect to Infinite Source”, which you can find in this post. The feedback on this last experiment of Silence has been astounding. You can still join in when you are listening to the show now, and see how if feels for you. A great show with laughter, insights, technical difficulties and profound experiences.
Listen to the show here.
Just a few bits of feedback on the Experiment of Silence:
“What happened for me during the silence:
Yikes, those songs of silence are really loud from you Niels! Then I could hear Avril, Rogier and very tiny stream from David finally. It hurts my ear a bit at the beginning. Specially the loud ones but then I get used to it. Then after about a minute I could hear everyone else. Else and all those other listeners. Very wonderful experience. Then I went into the rapture.” ~ Dhany
“The Silence Experiment was just beautiful.” ~ Else
“Thank you so much for coming up with the idea for the “silent” experiment… THAT was POWERFUL…” ~ Patricia
“I couldn’t find the sigil for the silence, so I just tuned inward… wow… my heart was pounding hard and my upper chest felt amazing.” ~ Avril
If you’d like to leave a little note on your experience, the comments section is there for you!
Silence Knot!
..at first i feared and reacted to the imposed silence….imagining and physicaly struggling to create noise in my head….then it gave way to a smooth unbounded place of existence…i saw everything and nothing in a blink!….expanding…….