We remind our Lightfamily of our first free hour-long study group held this coming Saturday, March 10. The Seer recommends that we study and discuss the following:
- The reason why 2/3 of the future was wiped out when the Original Ones moved into the first stage of the White Light (first stage of Awakening), during the webinar on February 24th.
- Are our tools received while in the Dream, still valid? What is the most important reason to still use them?
- Why are the Original Ones starting to pull each other into higher stages?
- The Seer has made the comment that the influence of the Sacred Government on humanity, is stronger than ever. Why is this?
- Wars have just become unlikely and trade has become more likely. Learn why.
- Two-thirds of the Hidden Realms have disappeared. When mankind moves into the White Light, 2/3 of them will disappear as well. Gain a deeper understanding of these events.
- Why has the Seer subtly urged her Lightfamily to disengage from the horrendous disrespect and genocide of the animals perpetrated by the meat industry?
It is time to dedicate ourselves to being the Holy Ones on Earth. We want to hear your views on how we can make life more holy. Join me, and our two guest hosts for this interactive hour, that together we can explore the sacred secrets of this extraordinary journey. ~Rogier
Please note: by popular request from our Lightfamily in Russia, this first episode will be a bilingual event (English/Russian). We may adjust this for future installments. We welcome your feedback.
Always happy to have our light family from Russia.
We welcome you anonymous. Let your light shine. 🙂
How about a study group on Saturday night (EST)? Or Sunday? Or Monday? (Saturday daytime is hard.)
I haven’t been following Almine’s teachings as loyally as I could have (and maybe should have), even though I’ve always been reading the updates on this website. The whole part about Original Ones being pulled by other Original Ones is something I’ve felt strongly. I’ve been experiencing intense energetic events as of late, like something is almost forcing me to come out of hiding.
I can feel the work that is going on. Praise, love and gratitude from one of your lightfamily.
I’m at work that day will their be access to a recording
I’m at work also and was wondering also if there would be recordings or how this study group works in general.
Dear Rogier, I am wondering, do we need to have a facebook account to join this study group?
Thank you
Thank you Rogier!
Thank you Rogier. Looking forward to this group.
Looking forward to this. I am so happy Almine suggested areas to study/focus. I continue to work with the materials given during Part 1. My mind is loosing its tyranny as new perception, after new perception, is revealed by the sacred text. Unfathomable indeed.