Click here for the previous version.
- Take a deep breath, and forcing it out, visualize an explosion of light from the center of the body in a sphere – moving outward through homes, family, pets, property, vehicles, etc. Repeat this with all the colors.
- Do this protocol twice a day – when you wake up and at bedtime (due to increased vulnerability during sleep). You may do it at other times during the day.
- As you create the white light explosion (the last one), say the words: “I am invisible and impervious to all hostile and invasive intent.” See the white light (a white pearlescent color) settle like a shield around all the other colors within its sphere.
The Colors of the Explosions and Their Functions
- Red light – shields against hostility.
- Magenta light – removes discordant emotions and frequencies (HAARP, etc).
- Amethyst Purple light – removes ghosts in the body and environment.
- Golden yellow light – removes demonic presences and interference.
- Turquoise light – counteracts black magic and removes curses.
- Emerald green light – shields against invasive frequencies and programs designed to manipulate emotions.
- Sky blue light – protects against infectious agents such as viruses, bacteria, etc.
- Violet light – protects from EMF, ELF and geopathic stress.
- Amber light – protects against particulates in the air, such as pollen, animal dander, mold, fungus, spores and carbon particles in smoke, etc.
The Three Additional Colors to Build Your Shield of Invisibility to Harmful Influence
The colors must be embodied and lived in order to cultivate the ability to generate a strong light explosion.
Apple Green Light (10)
Protects against viruses. The 33 Principles of Fullness* assist with living the color apple green.
- Required perception: Life is a portal of the spiritual.
- Required application in daily life: Living in reverence within a Holy Sanctuary wherever you go. Create abstract, fluid reference points of inspiration in your day.
Physicality is the portal of the spiritual that animates it..
The Seer
Aquamarine Light (11)
Shields against fungi.
- Required perception: There is no difference between limited and limitless. To understand this, imagine a large delicious cake. The cake in its entirety cannot be experienced, only one bite at a time. Limitlessness cannot be comprehended, nor experienced, except as one limited portion of it. Whatever is limited, is still part of limitlessness. A bucket in the ocean can be filled with a limited amount of water, but it is still part of the ocean.
- Required application in daily life: Cultivate inner strength by cultivating self-sovereignty in all aspects of your life. See yourself as a conduit of eternal supply.
Peach Light (12)
Protects against parasites.
- Required perception: Disciplined Divinity. Neediness creates obsessiveness. Cultivate aware receptivity through gratitude for the inspiring beauty and miraculous unfoldment of life, to know the fullness that’s yours to experience every moment.
- Required application in daily life: Imagine your mind to be a chariot drawn by two horses. With discipline, reign in ‘the horses of your mind’ so that you may not succumb to the folly of mankind, nor self-indulgent excuses for living from fear rather than faith. School your vision to search for the praise-worthy rather than the obvious flaws of humanity, for you become what you focus on.
White Light
Forms a pearlescent shield around all other colors. It acts as a filter for all hostile elements guarded against by the other colors.
Please Note: All light explosions must be done in the order given. The large explosion of a color will afterwards settle back as a sphere of color around the area this protocol is intended to influence (your intent for using it). The colors will end up as concentric spheres, one inside the other. The white shield is like an outer membrane.
The Seer’s Living a Life of Godhood features a discourse on the tones of the colors.
*These Principles will be featured on Messages for Lightworkers and included with the May and July premier webinars.
Dear Almine, I have a question regarding a dream I had. My feeling is that it is important.
I was on a property that had a river gushing out of a mountain. One day, as I was standing by this river, it stopped flowing, and I was sucked into the mountain, like a vacuum. As I was flying along, being sucked into this underground tunnel, I was terrified, and praying to God to save me. Somehow, I did get out and the river flowed normally again. Next, I was performing some kind of ritual involving fire. Something toppled over and I was unable to finish the ritual. As I was in my room, feeling devastated over my failure, people came to me to reassure me that I would be able to do the ritual another time,
Thank you,
Tanmayo Corinne Coffin (Brazil)
love an light
Thank you so much
Okay, there is something missing in the explanation. Where do the colors go? We do red. Boom. It explodes and permeates everything. We let the red go as we move on to the next, magenta. If we don’t let red go, magenta would merge with red to make a different color. So we let them go as they come up. Boom. Magenta covers everything. Then it’s amethyst… and so on and so forth. So we finally get to peach as the last color. Now we do white. White covers everything, using the same explosion method, but white is different in that it ends up being a shield around the other colors. What other colors? They’re gone now. We could figure that white wasn’t the same and allow the last one, peach, to sort of show itself. Where are the other colors? Is it a thing whereby the colors are actually pushed out beyond the edge of awareness as we go, but then maybe they come back when the white comes in? Or do we just, kablam, shoot up the whole rainbow like the picture sometime during the white? Or is it a thing whereby the colors are already continuously, yet unconsciously, exploding in this sequence but we sort of actualize them into a more realized existence as a result of this procedure? If this last is the case, is our middle point of explosion similar to the mid point of the tube torus with the colors continuously moving through in the same sequence and we are simply aligning with what is?
Thank you SO MUCH for this information that envelopes us with your wisdom shared to keep us healthy, in the sacred sovereign neutral and do no harm state!
Timeless gratitude to you, Almine, for helping my son Alexander Heuer in 1998 to move past his diagnosis of autism and find relief from grey ET abductions.
Also for advising me like a comrade friend on occasion afterwards.
And all in all for helping me grow and bring into knowing more of the Unseen.
With Love
Words can’t fully describe my love for your Being and my gratitude for all that you generously share. Praise, love, gratitude and surrendered trust to you forever! 🙏🏻💖🎶
Is it one explosion of white light that settles as a variety of colored concentric circles… or… is there a separate explosion for each color finishing with the while light explosion that covers all?
Hi Yelitza!
You explode the white color last. It encompasses all the other colors.
Much gratitude beloved Almine! 🙏🏻💖🌟
Thank you VERY MUCh! I feel power, in these these colors expanding brought them into focus. The colors expand truth. Whatever energy you give off idk reinforced? or expand in the moment the colors almost like try and expand you. These are pretty Awesome! I am grateful 🌸💚🌲
Thank you Almine. 🙂 📔
Peace and love,
Santino Angelo Crosson
Thank you Almine!!!
This is awesome, thank you Almine!
Thank you Almine and Team Almine for the updated light explosions. It will be very helpful.
I am so grateful for this, thank you!
Thank you so much for this ! I love being permeated by each color. I feel the power & blessings within them all. Feel so nourished by each color & am grateful to be inspired to push each color out into the world. Love you Almine. Yougive so much so beautifully.
Thank you Almine and Team for this update. One question: is there a perception and application description available for all the other lights? Thank you.