With the new weekend comes Almine’s newest prediction for the week to come.
Prediction for the week of December 09 – December 15, 2012
This week will bring deep gratification and meaningful encounter. Allow yourself time to appreciate the feeling of home within and permit this week’s inspiration to fuel new creativity in your life.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of December 02 – December 08, 2012
The refusal on your part to judge by appearances will pay off this week: Deep insights and clarity will effortlessly come. Belief systems that have been imprisoning you will lose their grip. When windows of opportunities present themselves, allow yourself to explore them.
As always, we love to read your experiences of the week past in light of the prediction, or what you think of the week to come.
I went back to work on Monday, beginning of this prediction and I felt I knew nothing! My mind was empty! I had to ask Jolene, the admin assist numerous questions all day long! It was a new experience that allowed me to really look at what I was doing in that place! I was able to see the people one by one and numerous people go through the place. I had a new perspective! I feel and hear a current!
THE expansion within the constriction
THE feeling of Infinite compassionate love
THE lumerian angels showing there freguenty
It is in me that realisation of Infinite possibilitis
Thank you Almine for awakening me within your beingness
Gratitude Corrien
Well, this past week Dec. 2-8 has been an awesome shifting of energies for me. It slows me down quite a bit some times. However, the perks are great. I feel like I’m floating on this amazing cushion of energy, all the time. It is the Infinite supporting me! The high heart is quite open now. Feeling the thymus area opening up to new levels. Horizons are constantly blurring.
I did have some things from the past come up for clearing again. But I didn’t really need to clear it. It’s like Almine says, just look at it, know you have gotten past it, it’s like looking at someone else’s life at this point, and just say that is not my reality, this is, and focus on something positive, in the moment. Everything disappears quickly when we do that.