The recent online course Messages from the Angels 3 has been one of the most information packed and intense courses I have ever experienced. It’s just amazing how the insights build upon each other, yet can be studied and implemented independently of Almine’s other material.
During this course we learn more about the Haaraknit and how the inner demons – which are the result of 4 specific beliefsystems – keep us from dealing with distorted emotions, and what to do about it. This is so important for several reasons, one being that they impede our excretion of the god hormone. We also learn about the 24 inner and outer chakras, which relate to inner and outer space, how they each represent states of awareness and attitudes of exhilaration, and how we can live our godhood by expressing those in our daily lives.
As the Atlantean Angels represent the height and depth of light, raising consciousness through perception, the Lemurian angels represent the height of frequency: that which restores the magic of life. And already as they were evoked during last year’s summer solstice ceremony I felt deeply connected with the lemurian angels, and felt that life indeed would have it’s magic restored. One of the tools is the Haaraknit.
Haaraknit as a state of being
The lemurian angel number 217 describes the black water of the Haaraknit as the silent moonlit lake we experience when we move our conscious awareness into the body through the navel. There we encounter the timeless spaceless space of effortless re-imagining of our reality. It is the place where we can transform painful experiences into graceful unfolding.
You can experience a meditation where Almine guides you to this sacred place here: Haaraknit Meditation
The angel furthermore says that the feeling of at-homeness and contented peace that results from such encounter is addictive, if it is lived at the cost of fully engaging in daily living. So we shouldn’t use it as a retreat place as such, but allow it to fill our being. When it becomes a state of being accompanying everyday living, it provides peace no matter what we may be meeting as challenges.
So, since the Haaraknit is the bridge between inner and outer space it is also the place, or state of being, where the masculine and feminine meet and can communicate without hostility as it allows opposites to inspire one another rather than oppose one another. It facilitates the cooperation of inner and outer senses so we can experience our individuated expression more deeply.
After I have started to go to into the Haaraknit more often, and sometimes just feel the waters throughout my body, I feel more peaceful and have a subtle sense of better alignment with my higher aspects and source. I feel it as a magical place where we can re-imagine a certain “problem” or rewrite the book of our past by running it through the water. It is such a wonderful tool which also is a great resource when going to the next step of releasing the inner demons in order to utilize the distorted emotions as tools for higher perception, thereby living our godhood.
That and so many other practical tools are given to us from these beautiful angels. The entire course is now is now available as a trilogy! Read more about it at this link
~ Malue
Thank you for sharing Malue. I LOVE the Haraknit. I find it so extraordinarily trans formative, healing, and calming, like nothing else I’ve experienced. We have a 3 month old puppy who had developed a significant lump on her neck. It was very hard, under the skin (not part of the skin), protruding out of her neck, and very concerning. Very early one morning I could not sleep and went to the room the puppy sleeps in with our other dog, and snuggled with her on the couch. I went into the Haraknit meditation and took her with me into the holy black waters and envisioned us both permeated by, and one with the water, purifying and cleansing us, washing away all impurities. The next day, we noticed the lump was significantly smaller. The day after that, the lump was gone entirely. 😀 Again, for myself, I have felt so much gentle healing from stress like nothing else I have every experienced and I feel it healing my life. LPGT
What an extraordinary story Patricia! And thank you Malue for your presentation of the Haaraknit. I have already read this a couple of times, and have happened upon it again today, while searching the Diary for the 24 attitudes of exhilaration (which I haven’t found yet). Each time I begin using the Haaraknit again, each time I am more at home within it <3