In middle to late February, Almine workshops are being organized in Russia and Ukraine. Marc and Niels will be sharing a wide variety of Almine’s teachings, focussed primarily on the topics of the Hadji-ka and the hefty subject of resurrection. Below is one a little peak into a subject they will discuss…
God Archetype Mishbech-brach-stanavik – (formerly known as Uri-el) The mind chooses through intelligence, the heart chooses through sentimental value – both are based on judgment. This creates egocentricity as the little self tries to decide what should and shouldn’t be. In a life surrendered to the orchestration of the Infinite One, there is no personal choice other than the excellence with which you perform the inevitable. This archetype replaces judgment with inspired excellence.
This archetype replaces judgment with inspired excellence. Somewhere inside, we know that there is some choosing that needs to be done. For instance, how could we possibly not choose to have a beautiful, inspirational walk in the forest, rather than sit amongst the garbage heap outside a city, where everybody’s garbage is kept? So there is some qualitative choice.
The problem happens when the choice is based on belief systems, such as what is good and what is not.
So, we choose where we will be the most inspired, and if we are in a situation that we would, perhaps, not have seen as the best choice, we ask, “What is it here that needs to inspire me?”
You can use the names and sigils of these archetypes to help manifest their qualities in your own life. They are a way to step into a surrendered life. Where the normal manifestations of the feminine and the masculine in our lives is all about seeking control for the little self and never about surrender, these goddess and god archetypes are a way of living to promote trust in the benevolence of Infinite Live unfolding.
This information are but snippets from more detailed discussions and dissemination in Almine’s breathtaking online courses Walking with the Seer and Mystical Secrets of the Toltec Way.
During the rest of February we will share a few more of the 18 gods and 16 goddess archetypes, so stay tuned to the blog…
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