Question: “It is my most heartfelt wish, and deepest knowing, as it surely is for many others, that the Golden Age of True Enlightenment (i.e. liberation from fear-based patterns on micro and macro levels, exploration of true human creative potential and the establishment of a global community aligned with the shared vision of a peaceful, sustainable co-existence and true celebration of diversity) is upon us. And all the better that this reality traverse the planes into form with grace! Is there a sigil you can receive that will facilitate this?”
Almine’s answer:
My Dearest Paul, I have spent many hours finding the way to accomplish the detailed end result you wrote about in your question. It is the beautiful and heartfelt desire of many enlightened ones who wish to bring their peace to humanity.
For two days I’ve been seeing pages of glyphs and finally realized that it is a 289 component alchemical equation to heal the root of duality: the schism between love and light (emotion and perception).
I am in a silent retreat but it is giving me the understanding of the steps required for the masters of the Earth to actualize their vision. I will put it all together in the next few weeks.
With much love, Almine.
Jim says
I feel that this will be of profound benefit to all who share the vision, so well expressed and to the collective consciousness of the Planet and all sentient beings associated with our mutual evolution. Thank you very much for for your unstinting dedication and for bringing this into collective awareness…
Edita says
This is great!! Thank you Paul! Thank you Almine! <3
ChristinaT says
After going back to sleep early this morning I was awakened partially though I could not open my eyes or move. I felt like only my conscious awareness was here but the rest of me was asleep still. I felt some tingling in my brain and then I saw wheels in black and white quickly appearing. So many.. I felt like there were few hundred or so. I could see most of them which had writing and maybe some drawings I think. The odd part was the I could physically feel the download behind my eyes, brain and nervous system. I have had downloads before but never felt it like this. As I watched these I thought.. I wonder if Almine is seeing these or why is the Infinite sending me these? How interesting to read this post right after waking up! I would love to see what Almine received also. π Thank you for the post! LGPT
Wendy says
What a beautiful and succint way to describe the dearest heartfelt wish of so many of us! Thank you for your enlightened question. And thank you Almine for your precious body of work in addressing this!
Vanessa says
I look forward to this Almine …I have been in quite a lot of pain re right side of head since yesterday vomiting occured …migraine …but I did wonder if this was connected with the feminine masculine as my new chiropractor is masculine hence realignment ?
Dhani says
Wowsers!! Good question master Paul!!
So looking forward to these wheels and equations!! LPGT!