Question: How exactly does a TIMEMAP form?
Almine’s answer:
Time is the flow of awareness across space. It is propelled by Infinite intent. Like a tuning fork striking a glass that a cardboard circle with metal shavings has been placed on, it clusters the shavings into a pattern. Each tuning fork produces a different pattern. The Infinite’s intent (carried by the flow of time) clusters the awareness particles into a different pattern each year. That clustered pattern is depicted in the TIMEMAP.
What is it?
It is an illustration of the strategy of Infinite intent for a year.
I have many questions regarding travel across time zones (where you loose a day in the way there and gain a day in the way back home).
1) How do you interpret the TIMEMAP square for the day that you lost?
2) How do you interpret the TIMEMAP square for the day that you gain in the way back? Does that mean you spent extra time assimilating the insights from that day you gain in the way back?
3) Does crossing these boundaries affect any other squares involved on that trip?
I was not at the webinar & maybe this was covered, but I am wondering if there’s any significance to the fact that the cosmic timemap lines ares all flowy & mine are straight & angular? thanks …<3
It is mind-blowing to think that a year for us is but a moment for the Infinite….LPGST
In the webinar you said that to determine if a horizontal line is coming from the right or left you must read the TimeMap relative to itself. I’m not 100% sure what relative to itself means? Does this mean you would actually turn the TimeMap so the rim is always facing up relative to the day you are examining? Meaning that you would turn the TimeMap so that vertical lines coming from the core would always be pointing up toward the rim relative to the day one is examining? I wasn’t for sure on this. Thanks.
good question I also have a question about the female and male timemap as was spoken of by Rogier May be the answer can also behere THank you in advance
Derek, Thea… I’ll answer these questions as soon as possible. Thanks
Rogier, No rush – feel free to take your time.
Thanks Rogier. This is awesome!
I see the single lines that you spoke of in the webinar. The single lines that, reveal the hidden aspects of our self. 🙂