What is the best way to use the power sigils for various countries?
The Seer:
Firstly, the powerful effect of the national Power Sigil someone orders occurs when it’s being created through revelation. But as life develops in a country under the pressure of the global elite, our Lightfamily using and working with the sigil provides evolving assistance to that country.
Here are ways in which to use it:
Place a map (or something that represents that country) on top of the power sigil. In a group or alone, do the Song of the Self Belvaspata (Kaanish Belvaspata is also very helpful) for that country over the stack with the map and sigil.
The power sigil gives profound insights about the country — specifically focusing on where there are discordant frequencies and lack of perception, that create national vulnerabilities. Get the insights, as communicated by the sigil, on the country’s behalf (living the related truths lend the additional power of proxy magic). Spending time, therefore, gaining the deeper insights of the sigil, is very important.
* Both Belvaspatas can be found in the Belvaspata: Angel Healing Vol. I ebook
Zen says
I was wondering if its possible to do more than one Power Sigil with the Belvaspata at a time. As there are so many Sigils now it would take such a long time working with only one at a time with the help of Belvaspata . Just a thought. 🙂
Joanne Harding says
This is wonderful. Thank you so much Almine and Tina xx
Tina says
My pleasure Joanne!
David says
What is the best way to use sigil not for countries, e.g. global inner child,eternal mother etc. Much love.
Tina says
Dear David, I’ve asked Almine this question and await her answer. When I get it, I’ll share the answer with you. 🙂
Alexandra says
So putting a map of that country over the sigil and calling the Angel Gods to assist is kind of pointless? Because that is what I’ve been doing?
Seth says
I might be a bit more hesitant to call any endeavor of a God Being “Pointless”. It might not be exactly as Almine has prescribed, but the power of your intent, my sister, is powerful beyond measure ❤
Alexandra says
Thank you Seth. I appreciate that very much friend.
Tina says
Dear Alexandra, the way you have been doing it are the original instructions we were given for power sigils for countries, etc…however, you can now enhance the power sigils by using them with the new instructions we’ve been given. 🙂
Alexandra says
Thank you Tina! XO!
Vanessa says
Thank you for this deeper insight how to work with the Sigels of Power 💖💖🌈
Lynette Ruest says
Thank you so much!! I did not realize Song of Self could be done for a country either. I am so grateful for question and the answer.
Barbara Kathryn says
Thank you Almine. These guidelines and your insights into their inner workings are just what I need. I had thought of Kaanish but not of Song of the Self for a country. I don’t think I realised that it can be done for a place. This opens up Vistas…
Combined with the personal insights and readjustments we can make in ourselves… through the grace of each Sigil.