A Message from The Seer
By the end of this year I will be retreating from contact with others to a far greater extent. That includes my Precious Lightfamily. I intend to make available for you a method whereby you can be kept safe wherever you are in the world as long as you live in surrendered trust.
I need to step out of the world of mirrors, but have been hesitant to leave you unless I could ensure your safety. As I write this, it is in the middle of the night, but I have just received the way in which I can make sure you are safe. It will be my Christmas gift for you. It should take me about eight hours to create, but I will make sure that it’s made available to you as a gift at no cost.
Dee Washimoto says
My sister go within without leaving anything behind. I had been retreating more and more since 2017 and now I am being very selective and careful about engaging long enough to acquire the resources I still need to interact with this simulation. I pray for the day this dependency completes is purpose and dissolves. Much love and blessings always!
Kate says
I’d like to go with you
Kai says
Dearest Almine
For all you have done and will do… I love honor and respect you…. I had a dream
You were moving up to an deluxe apartment in the sky last month
And I knew you were going away —
I did take the elevator up to see you and came back – and although you attempted to help me with my situation … which is being followed.. as I chuckle – since you have lots of followers and maybe I’m
Your mirror—and there’s unresolved business with me— since people following still persists yet I can’t even Imagine how much you have had on your plate and have no expectations of you fixing me as it is everyone’s own
Work to master the self …but thank you for the tools the inspiration and enormous love… I Remember u in many past lives creating and working in the dream with u and hope too see you perhaps in a different way in the future
All my love
Vanessa says
Nina says
This is sad news. Still learning so much from the seer. Is there any point of return for this?
Tallulah Mae Bleu says
It is inevitable that you Beloved One would continue to deepen into your existence beyond the world of mirrors.
To have had this much contact with you after your initial seclusion was incredibly generous.
Almine, thank you always for all you are and will always be.
My heart is grateful and full of love.
Immense gratitude for providing for us before your departure.
I love you, Dearest.
christel says
Merech aharasta suvechvi = my will is blended with Infinite Intend. And so I bow to the will of the Infinite and her manifestation on earth.
Denise O says
Deep praise, love, gratitude, surrendered trust beloved Almine. Thank you for everything. I trust all is unfolding in Infinite perfection.
All my love and respect
Rich says
Thank you Almine.
Alex Murray says
I wonder of this is necessary in order for all of life to move to a higher reality. I remember Almine saying “I might not be gone forever, but I have to tell myself that I could be”. It had to be done this way. I know she is not saying ZERO contact, just even less contact.
Sara Roshan says
My dream was ( is ) to see you one more time…… I don’t know how I feel at this moment this is new
Please just know that my love for you is so vast, deep, eternal that can never be disconnected or separated. Thank you for all the gifts you generously pour into my being, illuminating my life. You gave meaning and reached my heart when needed the most, over and over again. Beauty, joy and meaning shined in every corner of my life and danced with your image. let me fly with you wherever you go express with you the joy of being in this journey with you.
In the beginning of this year I had a vision of you leaving us. I also felt may light being leaving the earth in this next couple of years.
Does the journey now accomplished, yet we need to stay keeping the needed frequency?
You said once that we are doula if the universe is a new now ( we assisted with the death of the old and birth of the new) are we staying to create heaven on earth individually and build interdependence communities all over the world by proxy to establish this new way of living? So others could learn or follow?
What is the next step for us as a group? I love you Mother, See Almine, Goddess of Love and Creation. This is a love that never felt on physical form a love that is full of peace and new birth. what is it that birthing now Mother?
Your Christmas gift is deeply appreciated and I open my heart in surrender trust to receive it. There is a part of me that feels deep grief and fear to receive it. Fear of painful separation in form. I ask myself what do I have to give? What gift can I give?
Derrek says
Your guiding hand for your creation is the physical manifestation of an unfathomable bond between the Infinite Mother and all of her creation. Thank you for all you have given me. In deep gratitude and much respect. If the Infinite allows I would wish to see you one last time, to end all time, before you leave us. So much respect and gratitude. I love you.
marli says
Thank you, Almine for your caring and generous gift!
Too many questions arise in my mind, but I am sure that
in due time they maybe be answered in the Forum.
My heart feels light and at peace (for now, at least) with your decision.
In Surrendered Trust I wait for what is to come!