After our last week of “rise above the mediocrity of the many”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction:
Prediction for the week of September 22 – September 28, 2013
Don’t try and fit in, or belong. You can do great things this week. Believe in yourself. Old obstacles will melt away, as unexplored parts of your being open up. Your understanding of the hidden realms will increase. Magical moments will be everywhere if you can see beyond the obvious.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of September 15 – September 21, 2013
This week is a wave of opportunity to change directions and shift into different realities. Expect the unexpected, as your old viewpoints dissolve. Leave the views of the crowd behind and embrace your ability to rise above the mediocrity of the many. Like the eagle, you are meant for greater things.
As always, tell us what inspires you regarding the prediction for the upcoming week, or your thoughts on last week’s prediction.
The weekly prediction is inspired by Almine’s Calendar of Oneness.
In my journey with Almine I am especially called into her arena when a shift of directions is needed. Leading up to this week several key points about the nature of sexuality as being the driving force of the cosmos became a focus for me, and I wrote Almine a letter about these things a few weeks before these two retreats about masculine and feminine.
In 2007 the Infinite told me that it had been necessary for me to fight against toxic injury and gave me information about the need to hide things in space.
All these things came together strongly in the tones this week as they played out for me. And information from these godhood courses revealed to me what the Infinite was saying when it spoke to me about the need to hide things in space. It was tied to protecting the throne until now.
My deep warriorship had me take on the establishment. On the day the tone was the resolution of ancient conflicts, I found myself speaking to someone caught in the system. Everything that came out of me was strong about changing directions. Withdrawing support from dysfunctionality. Resolution! Such strong statements came out of me.
The chance encounters I had held promise in them. I spoke freely about the nature of my experiences to someone who did not stifle me but found what I was saying to be a gift. Such a different and fun experience for me!
These encounters had a common theme in that these people were named David. That makes 5 David(s) coming together through a change of directions that is occurring in my environment. I thought of King David as this number hit 5.
The tone of inspired devotion felt like a great resolution to me about relationship. And on the last day the tone of revealing the intrinsic value of others tied many things together for me. And, last but not least, yesterday a shadow being who has been a petty tyrant in my environment seemed to disappear more.
This week’s prediction fills me with great hope. Thank you, Infinite! Thank you, Almine! And thank you Team Almine!