A recent post on Ascension.net (here) mentions arrogance, as discussed on the Sleeping Prophet video by the Seer Almine, The First Big Bang/The Fall.
Question: …I’ve been guided to ask you about creating a fragrance alchemy oil, “specifically designed to target and clear arrogance from our emotional field”.
Almine’s Answer: See Insights Regarding Arrogance and Insights on Creating the Alchemical Oils below.
Insights Regarding Arrogance:
- One should never use negatives such as “no” and “not” when saying an affirmation because those words do not actually exist. They don’t register on the cosmic sub-atomic fabric of existence because they have no life-force. The same way that negative emotions, such as arrogance, do not actually have a life of their own.
- For example, an oil to remove suicidal tendencies does not tackle it directly but removes the reason for it being there: A blocked thyroid meridian.
- The principle of “you strengthen what you oppose,” applies to negatives because it gives them a temporary life, when in fact, they don’t exist.
- Any negative emotion is but the scar tissue that forms in the absence of a positive emotion. The missing emotion is what needs to be strengthened. Then there is no longer a need for the negative emotion to exist, and it melts away.
- Toltec Nagual’s have spent thousands of years studying self-pity and self-importance (arrogance) and discovered that self-importance originates from self-pity. It is an effect, not an original cause. So it is necessary for us to find what positive emotion is absent to cause self-pity.
- I can feel that it is not an obvious answer, or we would already have had it. Once we find it, emphasizing that positive emotion within ourselves dissolves arrogance in our environment.
Insights on Creating the Alchemical Oils:
- The marvel of the Infinite guiding this journey directly , and giving us the products in a most miraculous way, is that they transcend and transfigure as the cosmos does. This means that they retain their power through cosmic changes.
- To understand the power-infused sigil that accompanies an oil, let’s take the example of someone using cough syrup for a cough. If the medicine is good, it renders itself obsolete. It stops the cough so now you don’t need it anymore. But there are layers of wholeness that need to be treated. The cough needs to be stopped, and then the infection in the throat needs to be healed. Next the immune system needs to be boosted to fight further infection. But perhaps the immune system is over- burdened because of heavy metal toxicity or allergies, etc. The sigil adjusts the alchemy of the oil as the layers require, continually delivering healing. It also removes interfering influences (such as environmental and geopathic stress, chemicals, etc) from the oil if you store it on top of its sigil.
- I never decide off the top of my head to produce a book or oil or any product. In the case of the oils, the product with its sigil, appears either in a very lucid dream, or it hovers in the air in front of me sometimes with a date of production. (With books, I can even see the cover and a line-up with dates of production. I can currently see until September of next year.)
- I notice that if a new oil presents itself, it usually corresponds with junctures on the cosmic time map (the next juncture is in mid-February), especially those that fall on new or full moons.
- If you create a fragrant oil blend for your own use, please muscle test to make sure it is strengthening you. I use alchemical equations and ratios revealed in visionary dreams. To be able to produce an alchemical blend, rather than just a fragrant blend, is a very delicate and intricate process best achieved through very specific revelation.
It is a delight to me when you put roots under the teachings and tools by understanding and applying their deeper meaning and significance. Thank you for walking this sacred journey with me. My deep love and respect to each of you.
~ Almine
sophiasian says
I believe the positive experience that is absent that causes self-pity is being on the receiving end of tenderness
Kathleen says
The healing properties of your Alchemical Oils
are deep and powerful. In working with them myself and with others it’s always an amazing miracle to witness the liberation of negative emotions and patterns being released before
my very eyes. Blessings and Gratitude to you
for bringing these through from The Infinite
Nancy says
Thank you! I can’t fathom the level of responsibility inherent in bringing these gifts forward: to hold the absolute highest level of integrity and purity!
My Love to you. <3
Denise says
Thank you for such a deep and wondrous explanation Almine. I so much love your oils and thank you for Ronni. He has made my orders to South Africa an effortless experience.
Jodi says
I love this explanation SO MUCH. Thank YOU Jan for all you do and Almine for the wise words. I am using them at this very moment.
Love, Jodi <3
Sue B says
thank you so much for this post – Almine and Jan.. much appreciated