Message From The Seer~
To avoid traffic accidents when you’re invisible to other drivers:
My Darlings,
People aren’t thinking clearly – they’re confused and scared and wondering how they’re going to survive this 21st century. The only way to stay safe on the road is to drive defensively and stay very aware of what potential craziness you could encounter. Also, be aware that they may not see you. Even within the same reality; within the same octave of expression, there are many different notes or degrees of living – some invisible to others.
With much love,
Previous: Vibration Speed
This has been my life as far back as I can remember. I could be in a room with someone and they wouldn’t know I was there until I moved. It was as if I re-materialized from some other plane of existence. Even the cats (who are naturally psychic) have not seen me at times. People have physically walked (and crashed) headlong into me and then given me strange looks, confused as to why they did not see me beforehand. If this has been happening since I was a small child, then perhaps I have always been living in a different vibrational reality, or perhaps switching back and fourth between realities. I have witnessed first-hand time prompts, watching incorporeal versions of people acting out a certain tasks in different realities before physically acting them out in this one. As for the driving, I look around and see utter chaos. Its like the population have never been behind the wheel of a car before. Defensive driving is the ONLY viable option.
Dearest Almine: thanks for this timely reminder, espy for those of us who drive!
(Reminded me of an Original One friend whose vehicle was hit while she & her son were driving several years ago. She was sure the other driver hadn’t seen her, for no apparent reason.)
Thank you, dear Almine….. Yes, For a while now, I have noticed that drivers often do not see my car on the road…..
Oh yes, I have seen this picking up. Not just careless drivers, but angry and impatient drivers. Does anyone have issues with the doors at stores? The automatic sensor will not see me anymore. Someone else will walk by and the door will open for them, making me now feel invisible to even technology.
Thank you for this post Almine and for your heartfelt care for us.
Oh my god, I have wondered about this so much recently! The people on the roads are driving like lunatics, and we’ve had several near misses where it seemed like they literally did not see us – it’s quite scary.
I have noticed this Almine, Thankyou