We received a question about manifestion on a recent Diary post, Why the World Has Gone Mad (And What to Do About It). In brief, Almine speaks about “the increase of insanity as a kind of fallout that can arise when a world entrenched in mind becomes affected by the few entering into Resurrection.” Thank you Nancy for the question; Almine’s reply is below. We also repost the question for your reference.
Question: Dearest Almine, Would this mean that the gap between ’cause’ and effect’ would no longer exist, and immediate manifestation would occur? As chaos has served it’s purpose to get us out of stagnation, and now the potential of new growth is by grace, it would be no surprise that people who are stuck in duality and asleep at the wheel so to speak, might go mad.
Almine’s Answer: In looking at the future, it would seem that the “chaos” you refer to might last another three hundred years, as the old ways of being human disintegrate..
I see the lightbearers of the planet evolve during this time, and the rest of humanity destructure. That means the gap will continue to widen and it becomes essential that we live from a higher reality (create heaven on Earth in our homes), what you describe as more immediate manifestation is accurate … for us. It will seem to us as though people around us are becoming more untrustworthy, more inept and scattered, etc.
Note: Messages for Lightworkers will post a more detailed description about why the higher reality has more immediate manifestation.
I have noticed, and also thought of writing a FB post about this, that I am manifesting everything I ask for, pretty much instantly. I could see this happening over a couple of years where cause and affect were taking place with shorter gaps in between, but really experiencing it now. I simply ask for what I would like with no doubt whatsoever. I don’t hold onto it.. I just ask, or more accurately just say, I would like… Whatever it might be, with total gratitude and it just happens. I totally trust this. For example, I may need money to come in, so I ask if some singing work can come in, and within anything from a few mins to a couple of hours, the phone rings. I am so grateful. It’s magic, and the magic is, total, mind -less trust.. Thought to share because I feel ur might be useful xxx
With love,
Wow! That is awesome Joanne! And so very natural too 🙂 Inspiring to read. All of life flows with ease.
Whatever it takes I will walk this walk with you Sister*Mother*Almine. For my own incarnation finally has it’s trajectory revealed, heart in heart, with you and our light family. LPGT for always…
Interesting update. Very pertinent for me. Thank you.