Explorers of Consciousness (Episode 6)
The Epic Drama of the Original Ones
Today’s episode of Explorers of Consciousness is an exploration that followed after a number of Personal Prophecies the Seer did on the subject, for Christel of our Lightfamily. (In addition, Almine also looked to understand the adventurous purpose of this investigation.) Themes include the Kailash, India, Lemuria, cataclysms, time travel, the Nagas, the Anunnaki, Thoth and Isis. The questions you hear Almine reiterating are some of the prophecy questions that had been asked. No doubt new ones will arise from today’s transmission, and we invite you to discuss them here and in the Explorers Facebook group.
0:00:00 Introduction: the Past as a Grand Adventure
0:18:01 The Nagas in India and Isis the Shadow of the Mother
1:09:36 Closing
The Answer (“The August Webinar”)
The Kailasa Temple (Wikipedia)
Dear Almine, thank You from the bottom of my heart for this helpful, mysterious information. I join Sujata in Her question about Himalayan mountain Kaikash !!! I was in November 2008 in Ellora – this is the name of this temple compound where Kailashanatha temple is located (and there was a group of charming Indian school-children on an excursion there). That is why I was thrilled to listen to this audio because my previous knowledge of it was based on “official science” that Kailash was carved into the rock from up to down somewhere in 6-10-th centuries AD. I will be listening to this majestic audio again and do very much hope that we get more information on this utterly interesting topic !!!
Dear Almine
I have a question about Kailash. There is also a mountain in the Himalayas that is called Kailash and it too is very odd and has never been climbed because of misterious happenings when tried. One can see the whole mountain is like a massive structure. They say it is the largest pyramid on earth. Can you tell us anything about this Kailash mountain and is it connected to your discussion here. Thank you
Thanks so much for this amazing call, as always. So appreciate of everyone involved in putting these together, what an incredible gift!
I listened to this before going to bed last night and honestly went to bed wondering “how on Earth are we gonna manage to find this value in this??” with sincere intention for it to clarify during sleep. I dreamed of all us working on this together, we were watching the movie together as a light family, and remarkably managed to find humour in it!! Woke up with laughter ringing through my cells and in absolute bliss, it was quite incredible!
this is so incredibly helpful! just even these glimpses of the past have served to fill in and answer the questions that, without attending to, raise a feeling of uncertainty that can undermine confidence, not allowing all to be seen as ‘an Epic staged story’… I feel like I have heard the real story for the first time – and it is just a story!!
Deep gratitude Almine… great leverage opportunity..
Thank you so much Almine, this is so interesting, has me wondering and thinking. A funny thing happened which actually lightened me and made me laugh. I paused your audio and went to get something small to nibble, came back played again and listened about the toblerone part and there I was nibbling 3 pieces of toblerone, I haven’t eaten this in at least 2 years and only 3 pieces, haaa what a delight. Thank you so much with deep deep gratitude.
Thank you Almine and Rogier. Yesterday when listening there was mention of Victoria Falls. Today when re-listening I must have dozed off. Can someone help me find in the audio ie the time. Thank you!
Start at 22 minutes in when she is talking about Africa.
Start at 22 minutes in when she talks about Africa.
I am so glad I had the awareness to listen to this more than once. Yesterday I wasn’t ‘in a good mood’ shall we say, and when that happens I find it darn near impossible to clearly hear and feel her words. Today I was able to process MUCH more. 🙂 Phew! *sighs in relief* 🙂
Any one else getting the message ” this video is restricted. You need to have permission to view it”, when you press play?
LOL! figured it out 🙂
Thank you thank you so very much ….. truly greatfull!!
Thank you for replay, I was looking forward to this. Amazing webinar
wow, recentlyI was thinking about why Almine has always regarded Isis with praise. But so many have said the origin of caste system in India is because of ISIS herself. Hearing this was a relief.
Thank you Rogier for posting here the re-play so quickly. 🙂
Thank you, Almine, for this profound transmission!!
It’s life-altering and has launched me into a deep
process on all levels.
Blessings of Gratitude and Trust💜
I wasnt able to join but will certainly listen tomorrow. I have been talking about all these things with a friend for months!!! Thank you Almine.
Thank You Almine for this very valuable episode.
Much needed assistance on how to release the past.
I have been struggling with this for awhile.
I express my gratitude for yet another life-altering