I’ve been working with a senior person who has many health issues. I was with her New Year’s Eve and she was very ill. I felt she was dying and would not last the weekend. I came home and asked the Infinite what to do. I was unsure whether or not to contact her family, or call for an ambulance etc. As I sat in silence I felt guided to sit with my Light Elixir and as I played the chant and looked at the image, I pictured her, the image and myself totally all becoming one, totally fluid. I imagined all illusion of disease melting away, totally dissolving. I felt something shift.
On Monday I returned to see her and she was like a new person. Full of energy, positive, feeling so much better, she had a new lease on life (and continues to do so). I asked her “what changed over the weekend?” She said she had no idea, she just woke up and felt great.
~ Denise, Toronto
If you’d like more information on Light Elixirs, visit Almine’s beautiful Angelsoundhealing.com
Hello Almine.
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Thanks, we’ll get this corrected. However, the Sound Elixirs and Light Elixirs are currently not available.