After last week’s “small decisions, great outcomes”, it is now time for Almine’s newest weekly prediction:
Prediction for the week of May 12 – May 18, 2013
During this week, focus on what you have. Increase will be exceptionally easy to achieve through gratitude. The achievements and resolutions of this week will come easily and without effort. Enjoy the lightness of being these days can gift you with.
This was the prediction of last week:
Prediction for the week of May 05 – May 11, 2013
This could be a very important week in which little events may turn out to be defining and important moments. Embrace experience with full presence and awareness. From small decisions great things could come.
As always, tell us what inspires you regarding the prediction for the upcoming week, or your thoughts on last week’s prediction.
The weekly prediction is inspired by Almine’s Calendar of Oneness.
Well, this is pretty interesting. I am experiencing a new kind of feeling in the body. Yes, we can call it “lightness” and it also feels spaceless…….maybe spaceless-space???
I find that the angels elixirs really help pass the nausea for me. 😉
I am so grateful!!!
Holy Mother of Creation! This is fantastic! Thank you!