Question: My husband is looking forward to retirement and is urging me to retire too. What do you recommend?
Almine’s Answer: To someone who’s heart is in their work, it is a nonsensical concept. To someone whose life was spent on a grinding treadmill , it is a welcome release. The busy repetition of work backlashes into its dual opposite pole of inactivity (and often stagnation) only to repeat in the next lifetime again.
To one who seeks to be a master of consciousness, neither mindless work nor the squandering of energy in generally accepted leisure activities (such as golf or some sport that gives people the belief that that it’s the ‘good life’) is acceptable. The ancient traditions of why someone is respectfully called an Elder has been lost in obscurity: it isn’t to be bestowed on anyone of a certain age, regardless of how they have frittered away their energy and squandered their power. It is the term for those who have increased their vitality and personal power by continuing to push the boundaries of their existence.
As immortal masters we must continue to follow a path that gladdens the heart (golf, if that’s what really makes your heart sing) and continue to challenge our physical, mental and spiritual strength. Life can then only become more vital and exhilarating,as death becomes vanquished.
I feel that living as a Resurrected Beings we are able to process the information deeper. Something like a coherence in the music. We are at the point on our journey, where we are exploring the depth of Infinite’s unfolding music trough the moment’s alchemy. I received today this beautiful song of the kingfisher.
Gliding above the water,
almost touching the surface of the lake.
My mind is expecting logic,
in what is coming up next.
But a heartfelt smile,
clears my mind,
as I pass through the fog,
without striving to arrive.
I keep gliding in this world,
yet not being of it,
as I walk in the footsteps of an Infinite.
My spirit dives into the depths,
with the ability to process the alchemy of the moment.