What could the Original Ones focus on with their Belvaspata and other tools during this chaotic time on Earth?
The Seer:
I will be creating a power sigil later today to help Original Ones be able to interact with humans in their day-to-day encounters. It would help if the Original Ones could see the same poetry in the human specie as they do in nature; if they look at humanity with a poetic perspective.
Power Sigil “To Deepen The Trust In And The Use Of Attitudes “
Almine, I would be very grateful for this sacred Sigel to help Me in my work with Humanity . Thankyou so much for this Sigel!!!
This poem I was going to post on OOs yesterday but hesitated… I will post here now.
Amidst the masses and the dross beauty can still be found in the twinkling of exquisite eyes
Mysteries untold forever unfold
Never lost always found
Of what is and what is not
In humility, humble steps and breaths I try to walk
My vision discovers beauty that surprises
Laughter can errupt from the simplist of things
Swimming in serene oceans under a dusky sky
Swallows skim and play in utter delight
I marvel as I float and play under the grey textured sky playing hide and seek with the white
Much love and Gratitude 🌈💚🌎
Love it 💕
💐💐Thank you💐💐
💐💐Welcome back Tina!💐💐
Thank you Almine, I feel the sigil would be very helpful. I was doing 9 steps of recapitulation yesterday, and even tough it was beautiful experience, I could feel that there needs to be a different support integrated in my daily interaction with humans. Actually now since you are mentioning the poetic perspective, the recapitulation that I was doing unfolded through poetic perspective. I am so grateful for the poetic perspective, thank you.
Heyyy That is excellent. We must begin somewhere. Good to have you back Tina, love!
I wonder if this is going to help support humans emotionally through these chaotic times.
From Wordsworth’s ‘Ode to Immortality’:
‘Thanks to the human heart by which we live,
Thanks to its tenderness, its joys, and fears,
To me the meanest flower that blows can give
Thoughts that do often lie too deep for tears.’
Thank you Alexandra.