Question: You’ve said that in order to prevent beings of ill-intent from coming into our homes, and to clear our homes, we should:
- Imagine a series of explosions of light (originating from our navel) form spheres of light around our homes and our loved ones.
- First an explosion of violet light, then white light… Then an opaque, apple green light (to clear mind and emotional control programs).
They end up forming spheres within spheres around us – each successive sphere surrounding the previous ones.
I’ve done this every day. So why was there a man in his early twenties in my house last night? How did he get through? He could see that I could see him, even though he was a ghost or spirit or something.
Almine’s answer:
He got through because he didn’t have ill-intent. He’s a spirit who was actually sent to take care of a little boy named Donovan, who’s being tormented by a sibling, but he got lost.
We’ve also had an angel in my house who says he’s there to clear the house of the negative emotions prospective buyers may leave. Although not of ill-intent, these beings are still invasive if they’re there uninvited.
Magenta light coming as an explosion from the navel area, and ending up as a sphere around the other spheres, will keep all uninvited beings out.
Thank you Almine for this newly revealed information about the colour/light.
As I look at the display colour above, I have one question. Does this colour relate to fuchsia? Since both of them are comprised of pink and purple, it seems these colours might work well together.
Thank you Rogier and Team Almine for new posts!
Thank you Almine. I have actually posted the print outs of the Journey Home paintings over my front door. This seems to provide a curtain to screen out the uninvited too. 🙂
This information is very helpful, thank you for sharing.
good to know!! many thanks LPGST